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Skyrim Dead-Eye Mode


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So, I've been playing Skyrim on-and-off for the last couple of months. I generally come back to it because I crave the vast free roam and the cool storyline. However, what repeatedly scares me away is the repetitiveness of the combat. Sure, it's cool to get the animations and kill-cams, but it still gets boring targeting one enemy after another just to watch the exact same thing happen.


I propose a system a lot like that in Red Dead Redemption-by Rockstar- where time slows and your awareness about enemies and surroundings increases, and you pick out each of your targets (in attacking range) and the order in which you attack them, but they are still attacking you while you enter this mode at a decent pace. Then upon exiting the mode, your character advances to each enemy in order at an increased speed, where you still need to attack, but you don't need to walk from enemy to enemy.


This makes the attack order cooler, but still doesn't fix the problem; problem being the "attack" of raising your weapon to the top right, and slashing it to your bottom left. To solve this problem, a certain amount of fixed animations can be set, and determined for each attack upon exiting the "dead-eye" which varies depending on distance from the target, and the number of targets you are attempting to attack.


So basically, the mod can be similar to "Dead-Eye" where you target enemies, but then exiting the mode you proceed to a zoomed-out killcam of watching your character attack enemies with a little more pizzas than slashing from top right to bottom left.


Hope you like my idea, if not: to each their own.

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Apologies if the following offends! I don't mean to. It roughly covers my thoughts on how it could be done, if it should be done and alternatives. (though I'm a newb)


I've not played Red Dead Redemption though I've heard it's good, the dead eye targeting idea sounds cool. I'm thinking of it as a semi-AI, where you tell it what to attack and it does the attacks.


The original dead eye was designed for only long ranged weapons and a series of almost instant attacks followed by reloading, making it very different to Skyrim combat.


Level 1: Is similar to the Slow Time shout or the Steady Hand perk? Also has enhanced night vision. Though it only lasts for one attack?

Level 2: Select multiple targets while time is slowed. Then all targets get automatically shot.

Level 3: Same as level 2? Except that you can also shoot the gun like level 1, thus ending the mode. (?)


What you're proposing is that attacks happen manually but movement happens automatically? Or both attacks and movement are automated?


Things that are needed:

Ability to slow time - Yes.

Ability to select enemies in line of sight - Probably

Automatically move / attack selected enemies - Maybe.

Not sure if you can script dynamic stuff.


The main problem I see is the dead eye from red dead redemption lasts less than a second (?). Attacks in Skyrim take longer even if speeded up, changes in the environment will make your decisions invalid before you've finished them.


If you automate movement it sucks for ranged combat. In ranged combat you want to stay far away from the enemy while turning them into pin cushions and dodging projectiles. You need to immediately react if you're getting mobbed. Magic is the same but more complex since you need to worry about summons, buffs, not killing your followers, etc. (so probably not a good idea)


Automated shooting is a bit better for ranged combat if you can manually move while it's happening. But then you're just avoiding enemies while the AI kills stuff for you. The AI isn't that good at ranged targeting either, I've found. Lightning magic is probably the best use for automated targeting since it travels fast. Might be fun to speed up archery/spell casting while the enemies are being attacked so it's more like the original dead eye, though I don't know if you can increase spell casting rate.


I've not done much melee combat, however it seems like automated movement would have similar problems. Choosing the order to attack enemies in restricts what you can do since you don't know that you will kill them in one hit. If you are unlucky, one of the enemies raises his shield, another gets a lucky hit in, by the time you gain control of your character you're dead?


If you're a melee fighter with maximum armour fighting against foes that you can one hit kill then something like this might work. However I think it'd just make me frustrated. But, like I said, not done much melee :P


If you're bored you could try adding the extra kill move mods, warzones, harder mages, more monsters, etc. Make combat harder and more interesting so you need to think when you fight. I've always found glass cannons builds fun to play, no defence, high attack, just dodge.


Note: I'm biased, I don't like the kill-cams either.

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Thanks for the input, and no offense taken.


I really have no idea about the mechanics of mods for these games. I really just wanted to get an idea out there that I thought would be a possible solution to this problem.


As far as the game-play, I was really just thinking a way for the character to move along a list of selected enemies attacking with some additional movement, really more cosmetic than mechanical

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