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Advancing a quest when a player picks up an item


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I have gotten to a point in my quest (a really simple quest) where the player needs to find an item in a chest. The quest marker goes to the chest the item spawns in (using Created in... ) in the quest aliases - however, when the player picks up the item, even though there is a script attached to the item in the item's alias:


Scriptname KynarethRobes extends ReferenceAlias


Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)

If akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer()

If AEL02.GetStage() == 20








Quest Property AEL02 Auto


After testing in-game, I picked up the item and checked the stage of the quest using the console and it was still 20.


Is there something else I need to set somewhere to advance the quest stage when something is picked up by the player? This is the second time I have started from scratch trying to get this to work and I am getting absolutely nowhere.


I really appreciate any help anyone can give me.

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Thank you! I will try that :)


EDIT: That did it! Thank you so so much! I have spent all day on this. :psyduck: If you were here I'd buy you a drink xD

Edited by Cynster
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