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a Skyrim Renaissance


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Hello, nexus community, so I've looked at the steam workshop and on the nexusmods site only to find an egregious lacking of a nicely skinned version of my favorite sword, the rapier.

Therefore, I would like to issue a challenge to any and all moders willing to attempt this, your reward, my endorsement and eternal gratification.


Here are some historically accurate and rather iconic rapiers--for those of you who don't know, they come in many shapes and styles:


A Cup-Hilt Rapier: http://www.faganarms.com/images/products/detail/gc.a.034b.jpg


A Swept-Helt Rapier: http://www.faganarms.com/images/products/detail/gc.a.008b.jpg


Either of these, or whatever you are able to do will suffice, I just really want something to give a "duelist" vibe or something of the sort.


Thank you.

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Hello, nexus community, so I've looked at the steam workshop and on the nexusmods site only to find an egregious lacking of a nicely skinned version of my favorite sword, the rapier.

Therefore, I would like to issue a challenge to any and all moders willing to attempt this, your reward, my endorsement and eternal gratification.


Here are some historically accurate and rather iconic rapiers--for those of you who don't know, they come in many shapes and styles:


A Cup-Hilt Rapier: http://www.faganarms.com/images/products/detail/gc.a.034b.jpg


A Swept-Helt Rapier: http://www.faganarms.com/images/products/detail/gc.a.008b.jpg


Either of these, or whatever you are able to do will suffice, I just really want something to give a "duelist" vibe or something of the sort.


Thank you.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12060 that mod is what you are looking for, there is a rapier there and also some VERY nice renaissance gear like hats, most notably the 4 landsknecht hats

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