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New Shout Request: "Hon Aav Ahmik"


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Modders, a friend and I were discussing how annoying it was that horses run away during combat or how followers can get lost and it can be tedious to find them again. They suggested there be a new shout that calls followers back to you. "Hon Aav Ahmik" (listen join service) seems a good candidate. We thought it could all be on one word wall (like Throw Voice was) and in some short dungeon as to minimally intrude on the overworld. I would do it myself if I had any idea how to mod something like this (I'm guessing it would require some form of voice acting). Once used, your dog (first word), follower (second word), and horse (third word) would all appear next to you or running towards you in some manner. Should probably only work outside, though, otherwise a horse in a dungeon might cause problems.

This seems to be slightly similar, but it hasn't been updated for a pretty long time.

So, is it possible? Anybody up for it?

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