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So there were a couple of requests I saw from months and months ago but it does not appear this was made and I thought maybe people have gotten better at modding so here it goes.


Flight is fun for some people but I'd prefer being able to glide. I would love to be able to climb to the top of a mountain and see where I want to go from there and just jump off.


Now some people have reccomended a steampunk style glider but that feels hard to implement. Would need to function like an upside down mount with custom animations or something. A slowfall spell would probably be easiest but I think in order to make it feel like gliding it would have to drastically boost forward momentum. And also not let you hover and back up. I'm not sure how someone would want to do this but it would be very swell if there was some sort of light quest that required you to build/acquire the device/ability.


Please? :)

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