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Tempered textures


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if it's even possible, i think it would be cool for different levels of tempering(is that even close for being grammatically correct?)/upgrades for weapons and armor to have different textures. maybe slight difference in shine or maybe on weapons a fine temper would have the start of a rune and legendary would have a full/complete inscription. it would also be interesting to see these tempered weapons/armors out in the world via the leveled list.


id love to hear over thought regarding this idea.

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What your asking is technically possible, the CK uses "tempering" recipes to upgrade weapons, which allow you to specify what is created when you 'temper' a weapon/armor, however it would require a HUGE amount of work, you'd have to start with the Basic Item = 1 x mesh 1 x texture file = "Item 1" -> temper recipe for "Item 1" = 1 x mesh 1 x texture file = creates "Item 2" -> temper recipe for "Item 2" = 1 x mesh 1 x texture file = creates "item 3" and so on for every item and every upgrade level you wish included ... You could probably narrow that down a little by reusing the same mesh, just with different textures for some upgrades, but you'd probably still need 2 or 3 meshes just to have even different lighting/texture effects show in game as this information is stored in the .nif file ... Not to mention the fact that you probably have to install another HDD, to store all the extra mesh and texture files you'd need


As I said, it's doable b u t ... ...

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  • 1 year later...

it's been over a year since I originally post this and with all the new texture replacers out there, thought i'd revisit the idea and see if this is some someone would be interested in trying... the idea being that each level of tempering would use the texture and/or mesh from one of the great mod authors (with that persons permission of course). I see armors for females as going from skimpy to something that covers more of the body as the armor rating goes up. so made standard starts at Mak's remodeled armour, fine - Killer Kaos's skimpy armor, superior - vanilla armor, exquisite - Calientes Vanilla,... and so on. where as weapons would just be a texture change... or if some one could give a detailed how-to ( and i'm a noob to modding. so I mean super duper detailed) I could play around.



What are your thoughts???

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  • 8 years later...

I was just thinking about doing this. There have been a ton of textures and models made for almost everything by now. Been mulling this idea over in my head. Some musings:


Base level: Original Mesh & Textures, or whatever is in the default meshes & textures folders. I'd start with SSE Cleaned & Upscaled Textures


Level 2: One of the redone models like Amidianborn, something that is close to the original but looks a bit nicer.


Level 3 and up: progressively nicer or "cooler" looking textures or even new meshes, depending. The Flawless and Legendary level items would have textures that make it look brand new with no battle damage, hence "flawless." Again, depends on what textures are available.


I'm willing to try this out myself, any pointers are appreciated.

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