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I've gotten my weapon racks to work-sort of...I've gotten them set up and I'm now able to put weapons on them but I can't get the weapon back off. What went wrong?


I find it most effective to copy them from one of the player homes where they are set up and paste them back in. This is true of the weapon plaques and display cases as well. I found it did not work well on bookshelves, and in the case of those I've always had to make them by hand, though they can be duplicated within the same cell.

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Thanks everyone! I've fixed my problem...All I needed to do was move the racks further from the wall. But I've found something else I could use assistance in- I'm trying to make a statuette that fortifies Alchemy while I'm near it, how is it done? Hopefully it doesn't require scripting as I have no experience in this.
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You're going to need to make a spell for that, and the spell begins with the Magic Effect. Create a new Magic Effect.


ID: Halbryn_AbilityAreaFortifyAlch (or whatever else you want to name it)

Name: Area Fortify Alchemy (or whatever else you want to name it)

Effect Archetype: Peak Value Modifier

Casting Type: Constant Effect

Delivery: Self (Note: It becomes -centered on self- rather than -actually self- when an area is added).

Magic Skill: Doesn't matter.

Minimum Skill: Leave it at 0.

Assoc. Item 1: AlchemyPowerMod

Assoc. Item 2: Leave this blank unless there are effects you don't want it to stack with.

Resist Value: Leave it.

Perk to Apply: Leave it.

Base Cost: Leave it.

Skill Usage Mult: Leave it.

Taper Duration: Leave it.

Taper Weight: Leave it.

Taper Curve: Leave it.



[_] Hostile

[_] Detrimental

[x] Recover

[?] FX Persist - check this if you want a visual effect on the affected players and NPCs while they're near the statue.

[_] Snap to Navmesh - N/A

[_] No Recast

[?] No Hit Effect - check this if you want a visual effect on the statue, but not the affected player.

[_] No Death Dispel

[_] No Duration

[_] No Hit Event

[_] No Magnitude

[_] No Area

[_] Painless

[_] Gory Visuals

[_] Hide in UI



Leave for now.


Counter Effects



Target Conditions

Leave it.


Visual Effects

Menu Display Object: Leave it.

Casting Art: Leave it.

Casting Light: Leave it.

Hit Effect Art: See previous notes on Hit Effects.

Hit Shader: See above.


Image Space Mod: Sort of similar to a hit effect.




Spell Making:

Area: The radius of the effect, in feet. (Each foot is about 30 cm, if you're metric.)




Script Effect AI Data

Score: Put something really high in here. Shouldn't matter, but just in case.

Delay Time: Leave at 0.


Sounds - just On Hit matters. A soft sound in conjunction with FX Persist is a possibility, but has to be selected carefully or it will get annoying.


Magic Item Description:

When standing near the statuette, you gain a <mag>% bonus to your Alchemy.




Now you need to make that into a spell of type ability: http://www.creationkit.com/Spell


Add your Magic Effect to the Effect list, note that your ME will only show up in the effect list if you matched casting type (Constant Effect) and Delivery (self).


OKAY! Almost done now. Now, you turn your ability into a perk.




Make your way through the perks, add a new perk entry, of type ability. Find the ability you made earlier, insert it here.


Finally, go to the Actor tab of the statue you made, navigate to its spell list, and add your new perk to its list of perks.


That SHOULD work. As for making a new actor out of your statue, I have never done that, so I can't comment on that.

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