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Does My Character Look Anime?


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It took me a while to work out how to make her eyes this big, but I tried to make her look like one of those Anime Manga girls...




Please tell me if she looks like one!

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Well yeah, beings lotsa different anime's have different shaped eyes etc. You could have a normal sized eye and be considered anime. It's just the type of anime your basing yourself off of really.
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Sorry to say, but it looks more like a fish. Maybe it's just the eye color with the puckered lips against the white skin... Anyway, not all anime has huge eyes, and most that do have eyes which are taller than they are wide, which really can't be done in Oblivion.


Anime eyes are actually Manga eyes... Here's a good example.


It's not really the size of the eyes as it is the proportions to the face.

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