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Mod Problem - no grass and low draw distance?


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Hi, I'm haveing a problem with a mod im making. It is my first mod for skyrim, I have earlier experience with modding for morrowind and fallout NV but i never publicized any of my mods. So I created new world space and I begun building dwemer complex there but when i connected it with rest of skyrim via some crystal thing that functions as a door (In the Creation Kit it is named "MS08AlikrBaseDoor") and when I used this door-crystal to get to my world space I noticed some problems. First problem I noticed is that when game was loading this new space I was entering there was nothing showing in loading screen, ussualy there is a NPC or object there and small description or something in lower right of the screen. I don't know why that is not showing but I would like to fix it. After it loaded I noticed two other problem that bother me a bit more. In my worldspace, for some reason the grass wont rez, it just wont show. When I in the Creation kit paint grass on the ground, together with new texture on ground grass "plants" show up, moving with wind and such and yet when I come to that space in game that moving grass "thiengies" aren't there, I don't know why they wont show but it is bothersome because land looks much worse without it. Other issue I encountered is lower drawing distance then in the rest of the game, I have graphic set on pretty hight and in the game I can see rather far, see mountains far away and such, and when I come to the space form my world drawing distance is much lower, I don't see objects further away, even land wont rez till I come closer even thou in rest of the game it would rez normally. I tried seeking solutions to these problems but I cant find any, I even tried using "proper" door to connect skyrim with that new worldspace but result was the same. Does anyone know what the problem is? Can anyone help? I would greatly appreciate any help and I will be awaiting responses. Edited by JakubDaviau
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They are probably very easy things to fix for advanced modders but I searched on the web, topics here on forum, articles on creation kit wiki, tried searching on google but I cant find anything how to enable grass or fix other problems. Cant anyone please help? I really don't want to start this mod over I have so much done alredy :(
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I am trying everything I can and yet I cant resolve this. I think this low terrain drawing distance thingy might have something to do with something called LOD but I'm not sure what it is :/ And I forgot to mention one other problem I have, when I enter this worldspace my current follower wont follow me there for some reason, I don't know what I'm doing wrong :/ Could someone help me?
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I am trying everything I can and yet I cant resolve this. I think this low terrain drawing distance thingy might have something to do with something called LOD but I'm not sure what it is :/ And I forgot to mention one other problem I have, when I enter this worldspace my current follower wont follow me there for some reason, I don't know what I'm doing wrong :/ Could someone help me?


The terrain issue is a LOD issue. LOD stands for 'Level of Detail' and games usually have number of these per object, so if said object is far away, the game can use a version of the object that isn't as detailed

as the one you see from close-up. There are threads how to make LOD.


Followers not following you is probably because there is no NavMesh in your world, check the creation kit wiki on how to make NavMesh.

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Quite a bit of work still needs to be done to your mod -


Worldspaces and LOD generation


Thank you a lot, I read this article and it says to generate LOD after I'm done with the world and it will take a bit more time, I'm still working with terrain and such, but I have some questions. After I make that LOD thing the terrain would look like in the rest of skyrim, it would render as far as I have set in the graphics menu yes? But does this LOD account only for ground itself or to objects and vegetation like trees (I have mostly pine trees there now) too? And would that fix that grass not showing up or is it an separate issue? Once again thank you for help :)

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Land and tree LOD are generated separately.


I would advice to start a test world and test the LOD stuff thorougly before you continue with your main world. The LOD stuff is buggy as hell, I've been trying to figure it out for some days now and the results range from corrupted LOD to kiiinda working to flatout destroying your world completely.

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Land and tree LOD are generated separately.


I would advice to start a test world and test the LOD stuff thorougly before you continue with your main world. The LOD stuff is buggy as hell, I've been trying to figure it out for some days now and the results range from corrupted LOD to kiiinda working to flatout destroying your world completely.


Thank you! But I'm still building it making walls putting objects, vegetation and such and shaping terrain and I planed to play around with that LOD things after I finish that. Can I continue building or should I really experiment with hat LOD stuff right away? And its not that big of a world space anyway, its just a small valley surrounded by walls, kid of Dwemer fortress thing, perhaps castle even, so maybe when I finish it off it wont be so bad without LOD, I'm not sure, it would definitely better with LOD as trees and terrain, mountains surrounding valley wont be visible till player comes closer. How about that grass thing? because when I open terrain editing tool in Creation Kit it has option to paint textures on ground, and when I choice grass texture and paint it on, in the creation kit render window it already shows grass-objects moving with wind in laces where I painted grass, do I need LOD for that too? Or is there other reason for that not showing up?

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I would make a test world and test the LOD stuff right away. Like I said, I've been messing around with it for some days now and not once have I gotten the bloody thing to work completely.
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I used "World LOD" tool in CK and it successfully generated land and trees LOD but had some troubles with static objects lod and didn't make that. But I'm not sure what to do now where are those LOD thingies now? how do I use them? are they automatically incorporated in to mod so I could test them in game? Or do I have to put them manually in to mod?when I generated then nothing changed (usually when I change something in the mod a small star letter thingy appears next to the name of mod in top right corner of the CK window but it didn't now so I guess this World LOD generator didn't change anything.
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