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Text color for dialogue topics

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Hey, nice work. Strange about the color codes though! How do I download the files from the repository, I couldn't seem to find any download links except for SkyUI itself?


I'll be offline for the next 12 hours or so, got a busy day tomorrow.


You need Git, here: http://git-scm.com/


Then you'll type "git clone https://code.google.com/p/skyrimui/" to get a local copy of the repository.


I know, strange stuff. It's a command line utility, originally for Unix.


If you'd rather avoid the hassle, I've uploaded the whole package

I'd appreciate it if you didn't upload my incomplete repo as an archive :P

Install tortoise git, makes it a lot easier.




Give me an hour or so to get out of bed and I'll help.


You don't need the futura font btw, and I'd delete the attachment as it is a commercial font :P


There was a bug in DialogueCenteredList, I fixed it now, pull the latest or change line 39 to

		var centerIndex: Number = iScrollPosition - iNumTopHalfEntries < 0 ? 0 : iScrollPosition - iNumTopHalfEntries;

Edited by Mardoxx
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Here's a demo using green+red text for new and old dialogue. I can increase the font size from 24 to 30. After that I start getting issues with the center line of dialogue getting truncated. I've made it so that the selected text is the same size an the unselected text. I don't see the point of enlargening it like vanilla does, given that it gets made brighter as well.





Not sure how the selected text gets highlighted, I would think that is done in one of the scripts somewhere.


The futura font seems to be identical to the one I had on my system, even the file size is the same, just the name was different. It would probably be best to delete the archive as Mardoxx says.


I have to go to sleep now, will keep plugging away during the week.

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I'd appreciate it if you didn't upload my incomplete repo as an archive :P

Install tortoise git, makes it a lot easier.


Give me an hour or so to get out of bed and I'll help.


You don't need the futura font btw, and I'd delete the attachment as it is a commercial font :P


Sorry about the archive, I removed it and the link.


I got the font from here: http://www.fontpalace.com/font-details/FuturaStd-Condensed/


It's a legitimate free font website, I think. Not sure though, in doubt I'll remove the link and keep the font :).


Glad you're helping, by the way!

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Line 30 of DialogueCenteredList.as:

			aEntryClip.textField.textColor = aEntryObject.topicIsNew == undefined || aEntryObject.topicIsNew ? 0xFFFFFF : 0x606060;

The two colours there show if the topic is new or not (it's a ternary operator (condition) ? true : false)


Line 65 of DialogueMenu.as

		TopicListHolder.TextCopy_mc.textField.textColor = 0x606060;

The colour there is what colour the text goes when the topic is selected (when it's clicked)


You may want to add after line 67

	SpeakerName.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;

	SubtitleText.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;

To be able to set the speaker name text and subtitle text colours



Once you've edited those open dialoguemenu.fla in Adobe Flash CS4 (we use CS4 because it's what Bethesda's people used, I have had no problems with 5 or 5.5, dunno about 6 though) and click publish.

Drag+drop \bin\dialoguemenu.swf to \Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Interface and play away :P

Edited by Mardoxx
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Not sure how the selected text gets highlighted, I would think that is done in one of the scripts somewhere.

The alpha (transparency) is modified here


Line 330 for keyboard+mouse and 334 onwards for xbox controller


I wouldn't change that though I'd just override it all here as to not mess with other files :P




	function SetEntryText(aEntryClip, aEntryObject)
	super.SetEntryText(aEntryClip, aEntryObject);
	if (aEntryClip.textField != undefined) 
		// Over-ride alpha
		aEntryClip._alpha = 100;
		if (aEntryObject == selectedEntry) {
			// Selected, new, old
			aEntryClip.textField.textColor = aEntryObject.topicIsNew == undefined || aEntryObject.topicIsNew ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFFFF00;
		} else {
			//Not selected, new, old
			aEntryClip.textField.textColor = aEntryObject.topicIsNew == undefined || aEntryObject.topicIsNew ? 0x0000FF : 0x00FFFF;

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Thanks, we mostly "discovered" what you were pointing at in the first post (actually Steve40 did most of the work), we've been compiling some files already. But your second post was incredibly helpful, I had no idea the global alpha setting could be overridden like this. Kudos!
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Thanks Mardoxx, you've confirmed that I need to study the scripts in the shared resources to tweak some of the dialogue behaviours. The tips for changing the SpeakerName and SubtitleText are very useful too. Kudos.


DA, I'll create an updated script tonight if I have enough time (I'm at work now). Cheers.

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Textfield properties are kind of the weakness of the decompiler. They are usually completely wrong and have to be fixed manually (by looking up the original values in SWiX). In this case it may be that some multi-line property is not enabled even though it should be. Edited by schlangster
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