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Call for Voice Actors: Khajiit Will Follow follower/marriage mod


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Hello everyone! I'd like to put out a call for voice actors for my mod, Khajiit Will Follow. Details are below:




Seeking female voice actor for Skyrim khajiit follower/marriage candidate. 600-700 lines of dialogue up to 150-characters in length. Khajiit accent (Russian/Hispanic) required. Payment of $0.50 USD per line. Deadline for auditions: September 15.





A mod called Khajiit Will Follow that adds several unique khajiit characters to the game world who can be recruited as followers/marriage options. I am currently searching for a female voice actor who can voice the newest character, Ma’kara.


See the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2227




Ma’kara is a dual-wielding khajiit who grew up on the streets of Balmora in Morrowind with her brother Udasi-dro. She has come to Skyrim in search of her brother, who disappeared trying to track down an ancient artifact of great power in one of Skyrim’s many ruins.


As a literal alley cat from a province with a history of racism, subjugation, and enslavement of khajiit, Ma’kara is crafty but also practical, and life in Balmora has left her world-weary beyond her years. She can defend herself in battle and has wit when she needs it, but is genuine and gracious, and mostly just wants to live and let live.


More in-depth description of the role available here:



(ETA: Short video preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKQY-biwI-o)




$0.50 USD per line. I am a one-man show, and I don't have a lot of money, but this is a large role, so I want to pay you as best I can for your work.



How to Audition:

To audition, please send me a message with a voice sample that accurately reflects your tone, inflection, and accent. I have provided a link to some sample lines below that you can use in your audition. Please include 2-3 lines from each category. Files should be saved either as MP3 format (128 kbps or more) or WAV format, and you should ensure that volume is reasonably consistent across samples and that there is no clipping/distortion of waveforms in the sample. Also, be sure to include a name and email at which I can contact you.



Sample Lines:





Would appreciate if you can spread the word as well. I'll be putting up notices on a couple different sites, but any help is appreciated! Thank you!


Feel free to message me with any questions you have, or ask below!



Edited by robbobert
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Well... :sweat: If the offer still stands, I can help. But I warn you right away, I'm Russian and maybe there will be some problems with English :unsure:.


And, I don't read, for the character need a voice, in vain wrote a post (I'm a boy -_-...). Sorry :wallbash:

Edited by Luc1u6
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Well... :sweat: If the offer still stands, I can help. But I warn you right away, I'm Russian and maybe there will be some problems with English :unsure:.


And, I don't read, for the character need a voice, in vain wrote a post (I'm a boy -_-...). Sorry :wallbash:


Haha, no problem. Thank you for your interest anyways! :)

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If only.


Let me know if you need talent for a male character ^^ Good luck with your search!


Thanks so much. I'll definitely keep you in mind if/when I add more characters in the future. Got a few auditions in so far, so everything's good! Thanks again.

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