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Create and manually activate/deactivate powers


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What I want to do is have a few special abilities that can be turned on or off by my script. when active, I want them to show in the abilities section - like when you wear a full set of armor, a special effect will show.


I started by looking at a racial ability and making my own mirror ability (a spell). Then, I added it to my script.


Spell property mySpell auto


and further down, when a condition is met I want to activate the spell on the user (which grants a bonus to speechcraft)


Debug.Notification("My Ability Enabled")
Actor player = Game.GetPlayer()
player.AddSpell(mySpell, false)


In game, my character glows green as if under the effect of the spell, but it does not show in the Abilities menu. (I am using SkyUI, but I don't think that would cause an issue)


Since it wasn't working, I then removed my speechcraft buff and put in the exact 50% frost resistance bonus that was on the racial ability I was using as a template.


I have attached my sample spell for review.


What am I doing wrong to create an ability that I can activate/deactivate on demand?



Edited by Teknofobe
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