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Fallout 4 no grass


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Let me start by saying that I solved this issue and just putting it here for future googlefoo'ers to find.


To sum it up:
Edit ini's 20 times, removing grass mods, removing tree mods or anything that touches flora items to rearranging mods 50 times due to settlement expansion, horizon, grass objects etc (you know the drill) and nothing works.

All posts you come across tell you to do the below, which works in most cases but there are still plenty of "no grass" complaints going around and people scratch it off to old mods (that still work fine btw).







Double nope with different variations, mods and load orders.
So if you have a persistent grass issue and you tried all those ini changes, checked you have them 200 times, tried different mods but the game just tell you to go and cry ontop of Trinity tower and then jump off, give this a try.
So there's the fix.
Not defining iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure in the ini makes the game believe it is 0 and that ofcourse is disabling grass entirely.
Same deal with bDrawShaderGrass, setting it to 1 as with the iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure issue, we want grass so make sure the grass shader is enabled in the first place just for the sake of not having another aggravation if at some point in the future the engine decides to "hey! It's not defined! Today I'll pretend it's 0 cause random s*** and all that!".
Or maybe it was just the latest patch that did something.
Why those those entries got removed I suspect it might have been the actual game launcher, as if you load through F4SE and forget to start steam, you get the launcher and it some times resets half your settings and messes with the ini's (that random s*** and all of that!).
1709 hours and check: still hate the launcher.
Hope this helps some one in the googlefoo future with not finding a fix for no modded grass loading despite doing everything that is suggested.
Edited by Kamuchi
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