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Missing Mesh When Combining Two Pieces of Armor


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I've been at this all day. The idea was simple: Replace the thieves' guild armor with Tembra's thief armor. The issue was that Tembra has the pants and torso separate, whereas the thieve's guild armor is a single piece. Thus I delved into nifskope with moderate success. This is what I'm looking at:




Which is exactly what I was hoping to accomplish. The issue is that the pants portion will not show up in-game. This is what I'm looking at:




I've poured through google in an attempt to solve the issue but to no avail. I was hoping someone would be kind enough to help me troubleshoot the problem.


The issue closest to mine I could find online: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/569270-merging-two-meshes-in-nifskope-only-one-is-visible-in-game/


How I originally learned to combine the meshes:


Obviously I've tried to remake this file a dozen times using all the advice in both these sources with no luck. I assume I am missing something simple due to my unfamiliarity with nifskope.

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