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Hi so I started a new character and got to the quest of bleak falls barrow. I didn't want to do it so I decided to complete it with console commands. I completed it and it didn't give me the next main quest. It even shows in the quest log that it is complete. But it still doesn't give me the next quest.

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what did you expect? you tried to cheat the system by using a console command , but you didn't try to start the new quest via a console command?

using console commands to bypass quests or even quest objectives could very well break your game , so you should be aware of this and do this at your own risk

and I'm really not sure you can even truly bypass this quest , as you will need to trigger all of the things that start the following quest , which I'm not sure you could do with just starting the next quest via a console command


worst case , load an earlier save , set this quest to the stage after obtaining the dragonstone , add it via a console command , and proceed to hand it in and end the quest

if that doesn't work , go to the back entrance of the dungeon (float to it if needed) enter through there and bypass the door via a console command , after which you should be able to just do the final fight through which you get the first dragon shout and the dragonstone

and if none of this works just use TGM and run through the dungeon to bypass all of the nuisance , and do the quest as fast as possible

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Two things here.


1. Using the console to finish a quest are NOT recommended to do, unless one have to due to bugs in a quest.

2. You did NOT completed the quest, because you need to have a couple of things (journal update, Dragon Claw, Dragonstone) to complete the quest.


I strongly suggest that you go back to a gamesave that was before you used the console, otherwise you have caused the game to be broken. The Bleak Falls Barrow quest are not broken, instead you made it broken.

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