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Game crashes, load order? Please help


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How can an incorrect load order cause crashes? (in my case one ordered by LOOT)
Out of the last mods that fixed my crashes at Whiterun's market when removed (and didn't start to crash even when added back in, at a lower load order (LO) in MO2's right panel.. I'd say Bijin and Ordinary Women are mods that might have conflicts though they're not incompatible. I also think I see alot of black face bug before it crashes.
might be a clue. It's after I run LOOT that it starts to crash in Whiterun's market. So I won't.
Can LO arrangement issues cause a crash in the first place?

-"If, for example, you load a mod that modifies Ordinator but load it before Ordinator itself I think it will cause a CTD."
-"One example I can give is npc overhauls.. for example mod A and B change appearance of a named NPC.. in the mods section you have it in order of mod A and B but in your plugins it's mod B then A.. the game loads the files from B but record information from A.. this doesn't necessarily mean ctd it depends which records as sometimes it will just cause the black face but other times it'll cause a CTD.. gotta also consider how the game loads BSA vs loose as well.."
-"Crashes that would be caused by an incorrect load order are typically because one mod made a change to a dependent record somewhere that another mod needed to use in a different way."

Edited by ntblood
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