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Realistic Sized City


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It seems to me that the house pieces from Skyrim Creation Kit are maybe too high poly... I wonder if lower poly, well textured imported graphics wouldnt allow the creation of much larger cities... probably, we would need big internal walls in the city dividing the city into cells, so as to not overburden a single place.


the objective is realism and immersion plus having the setting for inumerous possible "urban" mods... like maybe a Thief mod.


What can we have in a realistic medieval city? For instance, obviously, if you have a big city, you will have many different businesses, including several competing with each other (selling similar stuff). Also, instead of so many general stores, we would have more stores dedicated to one kind of item... like a brooms store... a store selling firewood... a bakery, a store selling only silver stuff, other selling only tapestries, SEVERAL taverns and inns, etc, etc, etc.

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where do you want the city to be?


in its own world. It should be accessible through a quest.


but you know, I had not played with the Creation Kit yet for exterior architecture... after creating this thread I did it and discovered houses and buildings in Skyrim are not modular, as I thought they were (since dungeons are all modular). Bethesda created entire buildings... that limits the creativity you can have when creating a new city, since you can´t create different houses and structures, unless you model them yourself in 3D Studio or other program...


was that the same in Oblivion, or were Oblivion houses more modular?

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i always liked the idea of something like this too, there was a mod for whiterun that came out that made it feel a little bigger, but a whole city made like that would be amazing. i think the mod was "a better white run -city under construction"
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