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SKSE Doesn't work


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Hello there !


Recently, I've been trying to install SKSE on Oldrim to install SkyUI and the multiplayer mod to play with my friends. The only problem is, when I try to download either of those mods with Nexus Mod Manager, a message appears and reads the following : "An exception occured in the scrip". If I click on "See details", a large text shows the following (see images. Also, my computer is in french, but the only 2 sentences that are in french reads the following : "An exception has been revealed by the target of a call" and " Failure of the authorization request of the type :".


Thanks in advance ! :smile:




Edited by Hanthome
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this has nothing to do with SKSE , and it's a well known problem

try this https://prnt.sc/k0kyql

also make sure that you didn't install NMM to the default location (have it installed anywhere but program files) , make sure the installation folders (both of NMM , and where it installs mods) aren't set as read only , and run NMM as admin

all of this should prevent such issues

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