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Bottom of window cut off when running in Windowed mode

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My desktop runs at 1920x1080, and when I set FO3 to run in Windowed mode and set the game resolution to 1920x1080, the window is wide enough for 1920 columns of game pixels, but the window is too short, so that maybe 20 pixels on the bottom just aren't there. I use ShiftWindow to move the window to the center of my screen so I don't see the window borders, but since the window isn't tall enough I do see the border on the bottom of the window,and below that the bottom half of the taskbar. It seems to be sizing the window so that the game itself runs at 1920x1050 or so. It actually cuts off the very bottom of the in-game hud's fading part of the vertical lines around health and ammo, and in the main menu the FOSE pip boy head in the bottom left corner is touching the absolute bottom of the rendered area, rather than being a little bit above the bottom of what's rendered. Other smaller resolutions run at their proper sizes. Is this because of my desktop resolution or what? Thanks for any help!
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Update: The problem is Windows itself, because it doesn't let any window be bigger than slightly more than your desktop resolution in any direction. Horizontally, this is fine, but with the added height from the buttons on the top of a window, some of its contents get cut off on the bottom. Mine can't be the only copy of Windows 7 x32 that does this. Is there some workaround? I'm currently googling, I'll post here if I find one.
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Update: I installed AutoHotkey, and the script here http://superuser.com/questions/38687/windows-program-to-remove-titlebar-frame-etc-from-a-window , specifically this bit:



LWIN & LButton::

WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A





LWIN & RButton::

WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, A




Now I windows-click on the game window to remove part of the border, and the missing part of the game window just appears at the bottom, and everything is well again. Not the cleanest solution I'd have hoped for, but it works. You have to do this every time you run the game, which is a pain, but not as much as alt-tabbing.

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have you tried looking at the actual monitors driver ? windows installs a default generic pnp driver for monitors poke around your monitors manufacturers site .
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