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Old World Blues Expanded


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Thanks Ssskoopa, I appreciate the feedback. It's important to find out what the players like and dislike.


I think the Z-38 expansion is pretty interesting, especially the robot combat hologram.

Alas I believe the combat holograms will have to be moved out of the DLC. N.E. is responsible for them. Back when I started the mod the only info on N.E. was their name (abbreviation) and the fact that s/he/it was responsible for weaponizing the holograms (source was a terminal entry). I had assumed it was the initials of someone that worked at BigMT. Recently I got a look at th e wiki entry again and someone has added the name National Electric. So apparently BigMt only built some of the holograms, but national electric was responsible for the security holograms (weaponized versions).


Though I don't really like the Bobbleheads.

Do you not like them in context of this location or just not a fan of bobbleheads in general?


The biggest complaint I have is probably the "PipOS Error" part......Personally, I think "Unknown" or "Unknown Entity" would be enough.

I'll have to look into that and see what the lore goes with (game mechanic vs pipboy HUD), but for me personally, either way works.


I actually Like that. "The Attack of the UNKNOWN!!!"

I had stated in an earlier comment that if you were to implement an Invasion angle quest than you should use (and I know its a cliche phrase) the monster from the meteorite angle. There is that huge mining area where you could say that the Think tank received some strange energy readings around the construction site, stating that the robots must have unearthed something.

Possibly, I'm much more likely to keep anything non lore inside the REM VR server (it's sort of a get out of jail free card in re: to lore). If we place it in the "real world" I'd prefer to have some precedent from the FO series or lore that would fit our "The blob"/Venom/"The Colour Out of Space"/countless others, monster from the meteorite wanna be.


But can we all agree that the Think Tank are in fact their own greatest enemy? I mean they have created the lobatomites which they seem to fear, Borous made his most trusted friend a monster

Too true, they posses resources and knowledge that may be unparalleled in the wastelands, but are morally bankrupt. Not evil, but clueless and completely care free about teh consequences of their actions. Some of that I suspect comes from damaged programming, some from seeing themselves as above any organic, some may be partially from character flaws they always had even from their origin as humans. But all in all it's not hard to see why Dr. Mobius thought the only solution was to keep them isolated in their little delusional bubble of solitude.


As an example of their power (and lack of responsibility) here are some quotes from a cut end slide (if the courier should join the think tank);




In the decades following the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Big Empty remained a desolate stretch of wasteland, where few travelers dared venture.

{Curious, this is odd...}In time, however, a strange blue field began to grow, slowly spreading across the Big Empty.

Lightning-blue fields of force danced on the horizon, like electrical storms.


People whispered of "floating spheres," flickering like a rainbow of torches in the desert like Old World wisps.


{Cold, curiosity changes to doom}Then communities began to vanish.


Goodsprings was crushed beneath bizarre hexcrete blocks that stacked to the sky. The inhabitants of Primm winked out, flesh-fried into X-ray silhouettes, their arms raised in surrender.


A satellite fell on Jacobstown, beaming a kaleidoscope of bright blue equations into the deranged Nightkin minds, driving some berserk, paralyzing others.


Black Mountain Radio began broadcasting a strange staccato static as hordes of giant man-eating battle Brahmin began to swarm from its peak.


Camp Searchlight became a garden of giant carnivorous plants, and the Colorado river... "shrugged" one day, drowning several communities as its contours adjusted themselves.


The Gomorrah became home to a particularly virulent vegetation-based STD that grew like a fungus within victim's genitalia until their bodies burst open like pods.


The Legion East were systematically brain-scrubbed and rebuilt so that all the inhabitants believed they were in ancient Rome... on the moon.


...and the human cattle of NCR were re-educated into believing they existed in perpetuity in a nation-wide version of someplace called "Tranquility Lane."


In the end, no one was sure who had cracked the Dome of the Big Empty, although it was clear someone had been playing with forces they did not understand.


Throughout all this, the Think Tank was industrious, confident these experiments were all for the best, the results of the data they obtained - incredible.


They marveled that {emph}all of this had been waiting for them to come along and experiment since the war.


{Knowingly}Humanity certainly was persistent, no matter what experiments, nuclear holocaust or otherwise, it inflicted on itself.


and if you read through all of that, a happy pic of muggy (it's not all bad :wink:







(As well as inhabited the wasteland with one of the most nightmarish creatures I for one have ever faced...You know the one),

? do tell


You mentioned the think tanks' subconscious-

what about a VR that they use to "dream"? Would be fun and zany to "live" in a dream-world of disembodied mad-scientists.

It is a dream VR, that's why it's called a REM server because they share a communal dream simulation. It does provide a lot of rich opportunity :smile: so shoot me some ideas Trooper, lot of fun/creative angles to work. Oh but if possible, try to steer them toward their past (fallout 50's type setting) or present wasteland as source material.

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Hey just as a thought whtaa bout the ability to expariemtn on and modify companions and other NPCs? Some of the oflks in the wasteland could use some SCIENCE in their lives. Just imagine Boone as a cyborg/lobotomite.

The Mad Science! mod has the ability to create lobotomites and unique ones from certain NPCs ( I'm rolling around with Caesar as one in one of my playthroughs right now) along with cyberdogs and a unique cyberdog creation from Rex's special brains, Cerberus. And swarms of cyber-radroach minions!

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The Mad Science! mod has the ability to create lobotomites and unique ones from certain NPCs ( I'm rolling around with Caesar as one in one of my playthroughs right now) along with cyberdogs and a unique cyberdog creation from Rex's special brains, Cerberus. And swarms of cyber-radroach minions!




Well I did not know about that. I have got to do that for myself at some point. Be all Doctor of nothing but a world of robot minions.....Wait that sounds familiar. Ah probably not important.....




But moving on. I have just Looked up like a tonne of sci-fi movies (a lot of them really bad) to draw ideas from for this mod. Some will be quest related others will just be little Easter Eggs. Like little reference to say "A Clockwork Orange" by having a little bowler hat and cane positioned near some dead labotomites all in tuxedo hats.

Anyways Lads be back something next week I hope. Gotta get to work

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You seem t be confusing "cyborg" with "emotionless robot" When that is clearly not the case. Both the Courier and Christine were made in to Cyborgs in BIG MOUNTAIN but they didn't lose their emotions or motivations despite the Courier actually having his brain removed. Hel there are plenty of Robots with quite vibrent personalities and emotional dwepth "cough"ED-E"cough"

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About Bobbleheads... I think it's kinda both. First of all, Big MT is a top secret facility, not a tourist attraction, so having trinkets like that doesn't make much sense. (Though it would probably fit better in that Sunset Sars mod of yours, maybe you can collect the whole set to exchange for a prize or a perk of sorts?) Second of all, I never liked the idea of magical plastic toys that somehow turn you into super human. Though if you want to do skill increasing stuff, you can always go with explanations like knowledge implantation gadgets that burn out after a single use. (Though that would probably be too similar to skill books.)

I have a completely different idea: A small laboratory working on a high-tech lockpick, a neural data bank and an assisted repair system. However, when you entered the lab, you accidentally trigger the security system and you can only save one of the items, and the other two will be destroyed. The item you save can give you a boost in lockpick/science/repair as long as you carry it, however, it weighs a lot so it's unrealistic to carry it all the time.

Edited by ssskoopa
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(As well as inhabited the wasteland with one of the most nightmarish creatures I for one have ever faced...You know the one),

? do tell


You mentioned the think tanks' subconscious-

what about a VR that they use to "dream"? Would be fun and zany to "live" in a dream-world of disembodied mad-scientists.

It is a dream VR, that's why it's called a REM server because they share a communal dream simulation. It does provide a lot of rich opportunity :smile: so shoot me some ideas Trooper, lot of fun/creative angles to work. Oh but if possible, try to steer them toward their past (fallout 50's type setting) or present wasteland as source material.


I haven't played OWB in so long, I don't remember enough of the personalities involved... something involving a dog, a sex fiend, and a weird obsession with toes. Not all at once, though. :ohmy:

Though what's his name, Blaine, Blake? The dog that was experimented on, should definitely be heavily featured.

There's also the question of how "dreamy" this thing will be- is it going to be a Tranquility Lane style VR, i.e. highly realistic, or is there a chance of anything... psychedelic, for lack of a better term?

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Well I actaully came across "Ole Yella" today as I was watching some really bad sci-fi movies. It came in recomended for some reason and then an idea came to my mind. The VR simulation(at least how I read it) is suppose to be their fears and experiences as human beings. So what If Baurus' greatest fear isnt his creations but of putting down "Ole Gabe" (To get another star on my gamer card the rifle should be some sort of steam reference.)

Im getting a good few ideas from these films. Most of them including another scientest, other brains, and even worse mutations from the past. As well as an idea that just seems to make me chuckle every time I think of it.

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(As well as inhabited the wasteland with one of the most nightmarish creatures I for one have ever faced...You know the one),

? do tell


You mentioned the think tanks' subconscious-

what about a VR that they use to "dream"? Would be fun and zany to "live" in a dream-world of disembodied mad-scientists.

It is a dream VR, that's why it's called a REM server because they share a communal dream simulation. It does provide a lot of rich opportunity :smile: so shoot me some ideas Trooper, lot of fun/creative angles to work. Oh but if possible, try to steer them toward their past (fallout 50's type setting) or present wasteland as source material.


I haven't played OWB in so long, I don't remember enough of the personalities involved... something involving a dog, a sex fiend, and a weird obsession with toes. Not all at once, though. :ohmy:

Though what's his name, Blaine, Blake? The dog that was experimented on, should definitely be heavily featured.

There's also the question of how "dreamy" this thing will be- is it going to be a Tranquility Lane style VR, i.e. highly realistic, or is there a chance of anything... psychedelic, for lack of a better term?




A few things. Gabe is the name your thinking of and the word you're looking for is surreal.


Well I actaully came across "Ole Yella" today as I was watching some really bad sci-fi movies. It came in recomended for some reason and then an idea came to my mind. The VR simulation(at least how I read it) is suppose to be their fears and experiences as human beings. So what If Baurus' greatest fear isnt his creations but of putting down "Ole Gabe" (To get another star on my gamer card the rifle should be some sort of steam reference.)

Im getting a good few ideas from these films. Most of them including another scientest, other brains, and even worse mutations from the past. As well as an idea that just seems to make me chuckle every time I think of it.


I would actually expand on Borous' High School days instead. It would possibly involve Richie Marcus trying to kill Gabe and "steal" Betsy Bright.

Edited by tnu
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So I downloaded the mod again (It's being a while since I last used it) and there are a few more problems I'd like to address.

1. Gabe and his clones all have a Perception of 0, but the lowest SPECIAL value possible in the game is 1, and due to an engine error, setting it to 0 gives them 10 point perception. (This is a vanilla problem, Ghost People of DM suffer the same problem) You may want to change that to 1.

2. Some of the names are too damn long. Like this one: "Atomic-Valence Tri-Radii-Oscillator Prototype obsolete prototype (Green)" You even used the word "Prototype" twice. Maybe you can have a terminal entry explaining that the researchers themselves think these names are too long and decided to use acronyms instead and change the equipment names accordingly. Also, all of the Damaged/Destroyed Protectron Target Drones can be renamed to simply Damaged/Destroyed Target Drones.

3. Some minor capitalization/Grammar

Like this message here:


You've found a Robco Limited Edition Sunset Sarsaparilla Promotional Bobblehead!
*note Robco bobblehead domes may contain radium and/or other radioactive isotopes-this notice required by law
The inscription on the base reads "Your a problem solver."
Your Repair skill has been permanently increased by 1.
Should be
You've found a RobCo (Capital C) Limited Edition Sunset Sarsaparilla Promotional Bobblehead!
*Note* RobCo bobblehead domes may contain radium and/or other radioactive isotopes. This notice required by law
The inscription on the base reads "You're (Not your) a problem solver."
Your Repair skill has been permanently increased by 1.
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So I have finished some of the movies and have come up with nice little easter eggs and quests for this mod. So here's what i have come up with so far.


· Runner- A cyborg who was deactivated by Dr.Zero and Dr. Boras due to his violent outbursts and irrational human emotions. (Reference to Blade Runner)


So Runner is an enemy that you run into near the end of the mod, which boras and Zero warn you about.


· Rad-ical car- A simple pre-war car that is completely covered in radiation and there is a note nearby saying “Goddamn-dipshit-rodriguez-gypsy-dildo-punks. Ill get your ass” (Reference to Repo Man 1984)

This is one of those rare films that dont get replayed very often(at least over here),but when its on its often overshadowed by something else. Despite that its a good film and I enjoyed coming up with this little easter egg.


· The Great- In one of the scientests houses you can find a cane simply entitiled LeGrand. (Reference to A Clockwork Orange’s main character Alex LeGrand.)

Nice simplistic weapon and reference.


· Are you a chair?- Upon reaching Doctor Mobois again you are mistaken for a piece of furniture. “Oh My you aren’t a chair?....Would you like to be a chair? Im sure I could turn you into one” (reference to the “Bed sitting”)

Admittedly not the best on my list but its still a fun little idea and shows how little the think tank know.


· Monkeys – When talking to mobouis about the other scientests and their current status he will say that there is nothing really to worry about as they do experiments every week. He also then states that your actions seem to be on as big a loop as their memories. When his meaning is questioned he states that you acted the same way when those monkeys took over Big MT. You state you have no recollection of such an event. Mobois does not argue with you and the conversation ends there.(Planet of the Apes)

And than there's this idea. I thought that it would be funny if you missed out on like a year or few months of your life because of the think Tank. And thought why hasnt this film been referenced.


· Diabolical Deathclaw Z (unmarked quest)-You hear that there is apparently a Deathclaw roaming around the BigMT and should be taken care of. He has poisioned tipped claws and therefore should be killed from a distance. (reference to Frankenstien and The Diabolical Dr. z)

So this is just One of borus' mini experiments that we never got to see. A big weird looking deathclaw made of other deathclaw.


· Mole Rat People(Quest and enemies)- Honestly just when you think nothing can get crazier in the BigMT a bunch of mutants crawl out of the quarry barking about revenge and Freedom. Enemies in trying to find the secret of the quary.

So why they hell didnt this come up before? Mole People are like the biggest cliche you see in sci-fi and I am really annoyed at myself for not thinking of this earlier.


· “If I only had a F13 Polarity Kapacitator….” (Quest)– During your search for the Polarity Kapacitator in Zero’s lab, you are attacked by everything from robots to cyborgs. You meet two robots at the end before zeros office. One claims to be telling the truth the other lies. When asking how they can both be programmed by Zero for this they state Zero was not the one who programmed them(revealing a new enemie has surfaced in the Big MT.) You have pick one of the two robots to believe(this is a rather redundant task as either or will attack you. One states that you were right now you die, and the other states you were wrong prepare to die.) Upon entering the office you find the location of the Kapacitator.(top of the satalite) (Doctor who(reverse the polarity), Back to the future, Gog(1954)and Alice in Wonderland)


So then there was this one which came to me early in watching the sci-fi marathon. Since OWB was basically The Wizard of Oz I thought that its expansion should be something like alice in wonder land. Plus Im a huge doctor who fan so had to add something in the mix.

  • Finally. The Power of the mind!- (Main quest Idea) The rejected brains by the tank have been gathered by a disgruntled scientest survivor of the original think tank. Now he seeks revenge on the tank and decides to use their own tech and advances against them.
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