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Old World Blues Expanded


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Also found this EDIT found it its implied but not explicitly stated


EDIT 2 Due to a failed experiment conducted in the Y-0 research center, the mountain above the center was vaporized, leaving behind a giant crater and exposing the facility. This catastrophe did not faze the researchers, and the efforts in pushing the boundaries of science continued unabated. The new land exposed by the explosion was adapted for scientific purposes: new facilities were established, both above- and below-ground, including an artillery test field and a test town.


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the point that big mountain created technology far more superior to anything the military or civs have seen at all could possibly prove their part it the engineering of a vault. limited sources on these points would either make it non canon no matter what we do, or, allow us the freedom to add things that could be a viable plot extension. this was simply an idea .-. didnt think id get shot down for it lol.

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the point that big mountain created technology far more superior to anything the military or civs have seen at all could possibly prove their part it the engineering of a vault.

I wouldn't think so (doesn't seem to follow in any way), and there isn't any indication of it being the case.


limited sources on these points would either make it non canon no matter what we do, or, allow us the freedom to add things that could be a viable plot extension.

As a mod author you try to reinforce lore in a shared world. There is a enormous amount of freedom to add whatever the mod author wants but it's simply shaped by (seen through the prism of) the fallout world. That's actually a mark of a good fallout author (assuming we're talking about a cannon mod).


this was simply an idea .-. didnt think id get shot down for it lol.

I'd assume you would realize that just stating an idea didn't guarantee I'd be creating a mod from it. Some ideas will be used, some won't, but almost all of them would be refined....and thats what I'm trying to do here. It's unfortunate if you took it personally, but it doesn't change the fact the above facts.


EDIT: ooops had an errant quote tag in there.

Edited by devinpatterson
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if there would be a mod in the future about big mountain, by visiting its past, i have to wonder how it would play out since the main areas were just caves, or would this be a mod pertaining to the events right after the vaporization? if before i wonder if it was a cave system, or if it was more like a massive underground complex, no tunnels just a huge carved out inside.


anyhow, i would think the rebuilding of the crater would be awesome, not sure if there are pre-war models for most of the stuff there. i think reprogramming the contstruction drones would be badass, every few ingame days the mountain cleans up a little more (Is this possible or is it too much to possibly program?)


maybe a quest that uncovers blueprints that can be loaded into the dome that send signals to the workers.


also i just found this on the fallout gamepedia, this seems legit, ill post the link with this as well


When customers would come to the think tank for their services, they would create specialized technology for them. However if their town or city was just right they would used it as a controlled experiment. Only on occasion, Big MT had to get permission in order to secure financial assistance for the technology they were developing. Alternatively, the company used detained communists to populate their own mock cities. However, it was not enough: they needed even more laboratory space and tested their experiments on unsuspecting Americans and letting them progress in isolated small towns while Big MT observed.[1] Their partnership with Vault-Tec Industries is in the context of outsourcing laboratory space. Big MT needed "test cities" to test in real time their products in (relatively) controlled environments. Knowing the Vault-Tec was better at it than them, they together conducted experiments with Vault 22, sending the botanists the Beauveria mordicana fungus, among other supplies.[2]


I also remember the Botanical Gardens at the end credits said it helped infect a vault before the war indicating its partnership with vault tec. heres the link http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Big_MT_%28company%29


i found this while typing the previous ideas.

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if before i wonder if it was a cave system, or if it was more like a massive underground complex, no tunnels just a huge carved out inside.

Yeah it's a good question. There is also the question of whether there is a main plot or quest. Is it something simple, such as acquiring teh means to return to the post apocalyptic future or is it a more visionary quest.


anyhow, i would think the rebuilding of the crater would be awesome, not sure if there are pre-war models for most of the stuff there. i think reprogramming the contstruction drones would be badass, every few ingame days the mountain cleans up a little more (Is this possible or is it too much to possibly program?)

Is this in relation to the time experiment or a separate idea?



Their partnership with Vault-Tec Industries is in the context of outsourcing laboratory space.

I haven't read the article but that seems like the correct flow of technology (from the contractors to a project). For example the vaults were a gov program (although actually a shadow gov/enclave project....and if you accept fallout tactics as canon, there was another layer behind the enclave) and they would use various contractors to achieve their purposes. So it makes sense to me to see vault-tec technology used and other contractors alongside and with each other. The same way a large military project in our world would have multiple contractors assigned to a project.


But if your referring to it in reference to your idea that vault-tec built facilities or a vault in BigMT your still in teh same situation. No evidence it was done, and no reason it would need to be done, since BigMT is perfectly capable of extensive construction and development as evidenced by BigMT itself. Nor would there be any reason to believe they would want a rival contractor in their home turf (corps are typically protective of their IP) to build such a facilit. Nor would it be needed, as much like Cheyenne Mountain, they are pretty well protected (as evidence by the fact that they survived the great war).


I'm not really too sure why your so smitten with the idea of a vault-tek facility in BigMT, but I'd suggest if it appeals to you with a burning desire, you should consider making a mod of your own with that theme. Then you would be free to pursue the concept unfettered and there are tutorials that use vault segments as example projects.

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