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Old World Blues Expanded


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As long as it doesn't keep saying "Hey! Listen!"...


No, it is in essence a bot/simplistic AI, it doesn't really jabber.It has functions but no real independent thought because it has no consciousness. And if I did have an audio template for it, it'd probably be something akin to chimes/musical notes. Failing that (ie too lazy) I'd use the alien audio template (since it used to comunicate with them long ago) or the vanilla eyebot.


Batteries Not Included


Yeah I think I saw a little bit of that flick. This is more a phenomena, a standing wave of photonic energy, encoded with information. Or at least that's how I'll sell it. So....much more mysterious than cute.


1) Have it transform from one version to another when it enters combat. Have it be like the size of a fist when passive, then grow in size into a more spiked shape when in combat (I know, I know - too complicated).


Well that can be a little messy. What your suggesting could be done three ways;


One would be a separate model and thus a separate refID. Just like ED-E and the upgraded ED-E are really different creatures. It might work fine, I just can't think off hand of a actor that swaps models like that constantly. it would have to have a on combat block that used movto to send the 1st model to a holding cell and drag the 2nd model from the holding cell to the 1st critters xyz coordinates. Then reverse the process as soon as combat ended. Or at least that's how I would see it being done. Someone with more experience scripting probably has better handle on the process.


Two would be to use NiVisControllers on some of the rings. That would allow some rings to be turned on and off reducing it's size, or changing it's shape. However I cannot link up nodes correctly after cut and pasting valences. I'v tried several times but have had no luck. That's why I have to use Prn to attach them. I'm sure Ghogiel or some other nifgod could, but it's beyond my ability and I'd just end up burning a lot of time. So that ones out.


Three would just be to scale it when it goes into combat, ie double it's size or something. But of course that won't change the shape.


Let me know if #1 or #3 appeal to you and I'll test it out.


2) There's the area where they were studying holograms


It's currently down in the sub level of Z-38 (which is the building you are referencing), along with a lot of other stuff. It's easy to recognize the room, because of the heavy security, force fields etc. It's an alien artifact that has been adapted through research to create valences (just following the wiki's lead ,which states a lot of fallout tech is based off of research done on alien tech). It's in beta 2 which I havn't quite finished yet (still need to make some notes and misc), but beta 1 is here if you want to play it. But I'd recommend waiting for beta 2 since it's double the size and has a valence for both Ed-e and Rex (you can see pics of both in the first post).


3) Have a toggle switch that activates it (when going stealthy, it sort of sticks out).


Sorry, not quite sure I understand what your suggesting. Could you elaborate? Do you mean make it disappear, or reduce the amount of light or ??

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Wait....didn't one of the doctors say a few couriers came in before you(i know Ulysses was one of them) but maybe you could do a few lobotomized courier enemies that would be in specific places also maybe lobotomized Circle of steel members(Christine couldn't be the only one going after Elijah) Or You could even do super mutants in safety harnesses(like those skeleton thingies) Also add an advanced holorifle(Elijah claims more advanced models were made but only the first model was seen in Dead Money so you could add other ones in Elijah's hideout) also you should add in a stealth boy research station which has a big stealth boy stash but with a few defective ones(explode) you could throw them like mines or grenades. Also you should add a way to repair Mobius(if you decide to save him) you know....by salvaging the parts from the other think tank members and maybe even build a new one to put your brain in so it can flutter around the dome :D
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About the size changes, I was sort of thinking about the holograms from Dead Money, where they change color when they are being passive (blue), alert (yellow), aggressive (red). Something like that. I'm not very technically savvy, so I guess whatever is easier for you.


I think the alien voice template is fine, it would definitely stand out.


The toggle would work sort of like a detonator switch. Think of it like... a pokeball. When you need it, you activate the detonator, when you don't, you activate the detonator again. You would probably need to map it to a hotkey to make it easier to call/recall it.


About Rex, I have a personal request: I'm really liking the fusion of the K9000, but now it makes me dislike the traditional cyborg dog even more. It is possible for you to make Rex be a dog in power armor rather than a cyborg, or completely mechanical?Here's what I'm kinda looking for but maybe with this coloring.. I would also recommend an upgrade system for the K9000 to eventually become an energy weapon (cut off the ammo part, add something like the end of the plasma rifle to the barrels). If you're looking for a way to add it to the lore, you can change the lab where you can make Roxy to fit this purpose.

Edited by darkus37
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Wait....didn't one of the doctors say a few couriers came in before you(i know Ulysses was one of them) but maybe you could do a few lobotomized courier enemies that would be in specific places also maybe lobotomized Circle of steel


That's a good idea, I'll try to find out re: both former couriers and BOS. One might make a good Lobotomite king (mini boss). I'll look into the holo rifle as well. Apocalyptic girl, made us a nice atomic laser, maybe she has a holorifle in her Supplementary Uniques that she wouldn't mind customizing for us.


you should add in a stealth boy research station which has a big stealth boy stash but with a few defective ones(explode) you could throw them like mines or grenades.


I'll see if I can find who they are made by. But I don't think BigMT has anything to do with their research.....still it's possible.


Also you should add a way to repair Mobius(if you decide to save him) you know....by salvaging the parts from the other think tank members and maybe even build a new one to put your brain in so it can flutter around the dome :D


Yeah it'd be nice to fix up Mobius. I'v been toying with the idea of making the major/main quest line fixing the recursive loop in all the think tank's programming. So that they are no longer limited in their perceptions and memories. It's a major step and could result in the "bad ending" of OWB if done wrong (the think tanks use the Mojave as their own personal lab). But if done right it would be a noble goal, to liberate some of the greatest scientific minds from a infinite (well 200+ years) repetition.

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About the size changes, I was sort of thinking about the holograms from Dead Money, where they change color when they are being passive (blue), alert (yellow), aggressive (red). Something like that. I'm not very technically savvy, so I guess whatever is easier for you.


OK that's a shader effect, and it might work just fine out of the box, but it may not since the valences have an alpha. I'll have to experiment with it. It could be very easy.


The toggle would work sort of like a detonator switch. Think of it like... a pokeball. When you need it, you activate the detonator, when you don't, you activate the detonator again. You would probably need to map it to a hotkey to make it easier to call/recall it.


So it would disappear and reappear when you hit the switch?


About Rex, I have a personal request: I'm really liking the fusion of the K9000, but now it makes me dislike the traditional cyborg dog even more. It is possible for you to make Rex be a dog in power armor rather than a cyborg,


Yeah, you can make the mesh a little larger and a little bit more angular, then re-texture it. Probably woldn't be too hard if the head isn't covered.


If you're looking for a way to add it to the lore, you can change the lab where you can make Roxy to fit this purpose.


Might be better to have it located in a group that has more of a focus on that tech, like the BOS. They still work with power armor, repair it each day etc and have actual armorers. Possibly have them have the armor for a different dog than Rex?Since he has a long history that focuses on his cyberdog lore

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About the size changes, I was sort of thinking about the holograms from Dead Money, where they change color when they are being passive (blue), alert (yellow), aggressive (red). Something like that. I'm not very technically savvy, so I guess whatever is easier for you.


OK that's a shader effect, and it might work just fine out of the box, but it may not since the valences have an alpha. I'll have to experiment with it. It could be very easy.


The toggle would work sort of like a detonator switch. Think of it like... a pokeball. When you need it, you activate the detonator, when you don't, you activate the detonator again. You would probably need to map it to a hotkey to make it easier to call/recall it.


So it would disappear and reappear when you hit the switch?


About Rex, I have a personal request: I'm really liking the fusion of the K9000, but now it makes me dislike the traditional cyborg dog even more. It is possible for you to make Rex be a dog in power armor rather than a cyborg,


Yeah, you can make the mesh a little larger and a little bit more angular, then re-texture it. Probably woldn't be too hard if the head isn't covered.


If you're looking for a way to add it to the lore, you can change the lab where you can make Roxy to fit this purpose.


Might be better to have it located in a group that has more of a focus on that tech, like the BOS. They still work with power armor, repair it each day etc and have actual armorers. Possibly have them have the armor for a different dog than Rex?Since he has a long history that focuses on his cyberdog lore

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About the holo-companion: yes, it would reappear and disappear when you hit the hotkey switch. Call it the portable alien emitter or something like that.


Rex: I was hoping for a more wolf-like appearance, i.e. broader shoulders and chest and bigger. About the BOS, consider this - they are not actually scientists. For the most part, they are scavengers, stockpiling tech. Liberty Prime was only made functional when the BOS there went against the standard practices and actually experimented with the help of Doctor Li. BigMT on the other hand is designed for such experimentation. The question is, how did the companions get from the Mojave to BigMT where Rex can be modified as such? Perhaps a new teleporter building?

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Just wanted to add in something I read on the wiki, namely about Dog and God. Apparently they are two different NPC's that switch through dialog, with their own stats and leveling. Perhaps you can take a look at how they are set up and use that as a schematic for the alien holo-companion?
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I went through the Z-38 Beta 1, and while I know it was just a demo, you're going to have to work on the layout a bit - it looks too much like the cell you duplicated. It should be more unique. I saw some really cool stuff and some interesting avenues you can go with what you've done.


Although you haven't asked for it, I had this idea for a revised Think Tank:


Link 1


Link 2


Link 3


Basically, I noticed that the Think Tank took up only half of the dome, and The Sink does not fit it into the top portion, thus, my idea: I straightened up the wall and will use the other half for the new Sink. I wouldn't mind seeing the top becoming a mad scientist-esque zone with maybe an Archimedes II-like death ray or something like Frankenstein's lab. Anyway, that's my idea.

Edited by darkus37
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About the holo-companion: yes, it would reappear and disappear when you hit the hotkey switch. Call it the portable alien emitter or something like that.


I have plans for mobile emitters for the holo companion(s) in sub level 3 (or lower), but the photonic entitiy isn't a hologram per se. It's alien tech.


Rex: I was hoping for a more wolf-like appearance, i.e. broader shoulders and chest and bigger.


I think you might be better off going with a different canine, especially if you want a more wolf-like appearance etc.


About the BOS, consider this - they are not actually scientists. or the most part, they are scavengers, stockpiling tech.


Oh no, they are far more than wasteland scavengers, they're scribes are scientists and they are one of the most technologically advanced factions (2nd to the enclave). Check out their wiki.


"Brotherhood Scribes are responsible for investigating and reverse-engineering the ancient technologies, maintaining the current technology of the Brotherhood and even experimenting with new weapons and other useful devices."


BigMT on the other hand is designed for such experimentation. The question is, how did the companions get from the Mojave to BigMT where Rex can be modified as such? Perhaps a new teleporter building?


Not really, they went more with the cyberdog approach and didn't work on any form of powered armor. But I could definitely see BOS making a power armor variant for canines. They don't have the option for cyberdog tech, so something like an armored dog would be right up their alley. Save for the enclave, they have more experience than any other faction in re: to power armor. Plus there are a lot of chapters, that could have developed it independantly. For instance the east coast chapter, midwest or Texas brotherhood.


Just wanted to add in something I read on the wiki, namely about Dog and God. Apparently they are two different NPC's that switch through dialog, with their own stats and leveling. Perhaps you can take a look at how they are set up and use that as a schematic for the alien holo-companion?


No, the stats are trivial, you just use ModAV to change actor values and is something you can script in FO with ease. What we are talking about re: the model is something completely different. There was a util for TES that would allow it, and the author wanted to port it to FO, but that hasn't happened.


I went through the Z-38 Beta 1, and while I know it was just a demo, you're going to have to work on the layout a bit - it looks too much like the cell you duplicated. It should be more unique.


Actually I did that for two reasons. One was continuity (most of the labs will look like that on all 3 floors) throughout the complex, but also to save time having to do the navmesh, lighting etc etc.


I saw some really cool stuff and some interesting avenues you can go with what you've done.


Do tell


Although you haven't asked for it, I had this idea for a revised Think Tank....Basically, I noticed that the Think Tank took up only half of the dome


Yeah, I expanded it into a full octagon a

. And while that sounds really simple it wasn't...the snap to grid function wasn't working worth crap on it, even though it should be a relatively simple angle (360/8=45)


a mad scientist-esque zone with maybe an Archimedes II-like death ray or something like Frankenstein's lab. Anyway, that's my idea.


Yeah somehting to think about. I'v been playing with the idea of a lobotomite/frankenstein fusion in the gene splicing facility. It seems like brain transfusions should be extremely simple for OWB tech.

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