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Old World Blues Expanded


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OK, let's say the photonic entity is an Alien AI. No problem. Is this a full companion, i.e. will it follow you to the Mojave, or just in OWB? My original thought was maybe it can "live" in the transporterponder.


In either case, here's this mod. It gives ED-E a stealth effect. You can use something like that script and use it to explain how stealth-boys appeared, i.e. it can modulate it's light wavelength at will allowing it to seemingly disappear. I would also recommend the follow script that Willow has that allows the companion to bypass all checks.


About Rex, I don't know... something about the cyber-dog annoys the hell out of me. If you're going for cyborg, why not replace all the organic components? Even if you just keep the brain it shouldn't look like it does now. As for the more wolf-like appearance, I mean to modify the skeleton to be maybe wider at the shoulders and snout. Forget it, I'd rather have a power armor look.


About the BOS - if you were talking about the BOS from Fallout 1, I would agree with you. But each successive game slightly changed them a bit to be more like hoarders than anything else. Most of their breakthroughs involve weapon modifications, power armor repair, etc. They believe that tech should be kept out of the hands of savages, which is why they don't let you join till the end of the games and you've done things normal humans could not. This may be my perspective, but I see them like the guys at the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Ark: doing a cursory investigation, see if it has any practical use, then crate it up if it doesn't. The enclave, on the other hand, is the most technologically advanced faction, but I would not say they were better due to game mechanics. They are sort of reliving past glory, when they were the shadow government. Most of their breakthroughs are like the BOS, a half step forward at best and only in specialized fields.



I doubt the BOS would waste the resources to make a dog power armor. The enclave did it to a super mutant, Frank Horrigan, but that was because he was an interesting specimen, the first super mutant the enclave met. I'm pretty sure the only people who would bother with something like this are those that live for scientific experimentation like BigMT, and since they are already working with dogs...


There are three canon BOS chapters. The West Coast Chapter was the most advanced because that is where they started. But they were pushed out by the NCR and I doubt they would have wasted resources on dogs rather than gauss rifles or power armor. The east coast chapter was struggling to maintain a foothold with most of their scientific research going towards Liberty Prime. They further split into two factions because Elder Lyons decided to actually help people in the surround area with the tech they were salvaging. The other faction was more in-tune with the West Coast faction and left to continue their mission. The Midwestern faction also deviated from BOS doctrine and recruited Tribals to shore up their numbers. The only real advancements they made were their own version of power armor. Oh, any they fixed up some cars. The texas faction, as far as I know, isn't part of Fallout Canon and since I didn't play the game they were featured in, I don't really have an opinion of them.



About God and Dog - I was referring to the notes: "God is actually larger than Dog, set to a scale of 1, whereas Dog is set to a scale of 0.9. Like Lily Bowen, Dog and God are both noticeably shorter than a normal super mutant, although they still stand a head taller than a normal human."



About Z-38: I'll try and write a couple down later.



About the Think Tank: yeah, I had the same problem with the snap-to-grid. I specifically divided it in half so that the other side can be separate for a new Sink design. The stairs on the sides lead to the two halves, the elevator in the middle would be double sided and go up to the top of the dome. Each of the rooms would be adapted to fit one of the AI's (i.e. the toasters room would be filled with scrap metal and electronics). There would also be a tunnel in between the doorways that would lead outward to BigMT.


As for some experimentation: B1000 - 'nuff said?

Edited by darkus37
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OK, let's say the photonic entity is an Alien AI. No problem. Is this a full companion, i.e. will it follow you to the Mojave, or just in OWB?


You know I hadn't really given it much thought. Essentially it's a tie in to teh mars project. For that mod, we were trying to create a creepy alien ambiance.....something like strange lights in white mists. In hindsight it probably wasn't that great of an idea, because there wasn't any lore/precedent for it in the zeta aliens. But long story short the valence models fit the bill and the idea of a valence being alien origin fit pretty well with the whole FO theme (where most of the high tech goodies are based on alien technology) & holo tech from zeta.....so I left it in.


My initial thought was that after removing it from it's force field cage, the player tries to communicate with it and receives only musical notes/chimes or unintelligible alien gibberish. Frustrated, the player eventually leaves, and finds the phenomenon follows him/her. Once at the Mojave it would leave, to follow it's original programming.


About Rex, I don't know... something about the cyber-dog annoys the hell out of me. If you're going for cyborg, why not replace all the organic components? Even if you just keep the brain it shouldn't look like it does now.


I can understand where your coming from. Might have something to do with the whole 50's sci-fi look/atmosphere. Kind of like how the robobrain has it's most vulnerable component (the organic brain) inside a glass dome. It doesn't make a lot of sense from a practical standpoint, but it gives that retro sci-fi look.


As a compromise, how about we do both?


We need to expand cyberdog research anyway and I found precedent for a more robotic dog (robodog). We could make what your essentially suggesting (robotic body, organic canine brain), as a cyberdog mark V (or VI, whatever). We can include some (possibly failed) prototype mark II's and III's. I can add more mechanical parts as they progress from I to IV, until by mark V, it's all robotic save the brain case. There may have only been a few functioning Mark V prototypes; one left in OWB, one deconstructed by the NCR (poor robodog).


Then we can have an actual canine power suit that was brought in by a foreign BOS chapter paladin (I'm kind of partial to the Texas chapter, although I guess they arn't canon), who perished on his/her mission. His/her canine companion having learned to run as a pack leader with OWB's cyberdogs. The player can befriend the orphaned dog and gain it's trust, at which point it's training and loyalty would kick back in. The idea behind this one, is that your changing the power armor form but not function (ie no new tech), so it should be well within the BOS capabilities.....no advanced research needed. And if it's a foreign chapter, it explains why you don't see any power armor equipped canines from the Mojave's BOS.


As for the more wolf-like appearance, I mean to modify the skeleton to be maybe wider at the shoulders and snout. Forget it, I'd rather have a power armor look.


I think we could probably get by without altering the skeleton. I made mark I through V protectron models, and they were pretty bulky. I didn't have to change the skeleton until the Mark V, and then only slightly (in the shoulder width).


About God and Dog - I was referring to the notes: "God is actually larger than Dog, set to a scale of 1, whereas Dog is set to a scale of 0.9. Like Lily Bowen, Dog and God are both noticeably shorter than a normal super mutant, although they still stand a head taller than a normal human."


Yeah it's because they have a setscale command that you can throw in a script, but unfortunately there isn't a command to change model and keep teh same refid ,which sucks because it would save a lot of problems.


About Z-38: I'll try and write a couple down later.


Cool. Beta 2 has a canine research kennel/lab where they are developing a valence for dogs. It has a clone of gabe in there. There is also a robotics lab that is researching valences with photonic resonances tuned for bots. Both of these are just excuses for a valance for for Rex and ED-E (and to bring Gabe back, I was partial to him). It also has the photonic entity. There's other stuff, but I don't htink it will make it into beta 2.


As for some experimentation: B1000 - 'nuff said?


That's interesting becuase I had a similar line of thought. I'll reprint what I posted to AG (she's the one that made the atomic laser for our OWB exp, I'll try to put up a pic later of it);



Nice.....no rush on this side though, because I think they will be in the 3rd beta. The atomic laser research (IMHO) should probably be in the X-42 robot facility (aka the forbidden dome). The Robo scorps and the atomic laser seem to be intrinsically linked. As a easter egg I'm going to have a mechanical brahmin (Moooooo.....click, clank.....mooooo) and a mechanical gecko. Both follow the storyline of Dr. Mobius building the robo-scorps after seeing a rad scorp wander into BigMT. So it will be a bit before I finish them.


Plus I want to put some prototype robo scorps in to show the development of the line. Maybe start with rad scorps that have control collers, then a cybernetic scorp (rad scops with wiring/electronics tied into the brain......although if I remember my bio classes bugs, have multiple little "brains" scattered about their nervous system) and finally some obsolete fully robotic prototypes. Give the whole thing a sense of history.



and in a later msg;


ApocalypticGirl, on 28 May 2012 - 04:31 PM, said:

Oh gads, suddenly I think of a half-cybernetic cazador. Watch out for the stinger on -that- beastie.



Yeah, that's a good point, they'r a deadly predator, they'r on my short list of critters I don't take lightly. On a related topic last night I found out what the snakebit tourniquet is for (auto-anti venom, thumbs up) in a little Cazadore scuffle.


I'll definitely do that, and probably cyber night stalkers as well. The wiki just had a blurb or two about it, but apparently a wandering rad scorp gave Mobious the idea to "reinvent" (he'd apparently forgot or erased his memory) the roboscorpions.



I have to admit I like the qoutes from your link, "No problemooo." etc, I hadn't thought of giving any of Mobius's creations intelligence. As I cut and paste, a non functional robotic deathclaw (single prototype) seems like something Mobiius wuld create as well.


BTW would you be interested in helping out with story lines for my Independent Vegas mod? I need more ideas/material.

Edited by devinpatterson
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When I hear about aliens and Mars, I can't help but think of War of the Worlds. Mr. Gutsy's that look remarkably like alien Tripods...


Alright, that said, I had this idea that may be worth considering: if you fully upgrade the Sink, specifically Blind Diode Jefferson, part of the end clips say that he saves the Big MT from "sonic invasion" in 2910. So, what if the alien entity is not like the kind from Zeta, but say another dimension entirely? The sonic emitters that you find throughout the game can be based off their natural weapons (you should then give the alien entity a sonic weapon attack). You can explain the holograms being "solid" as a mix of sonic waves and light, something based off of the aliens. The transportponder can also have an explanation by saying that the device is able to move you through space and time by going through this alternate dimension. By the same token, you can have random incursions of hostile alien spheres. There can be further expansions of this idea explaining the blue forcefields are also based off of this technology. Also, you can tie in the crater formation with this backstory: originally a lab under a mountain, an accident blew the top off, leaving a crater. The accident that caused this had to to do with the Sierra Madre vending machine. You don't have to follow this exactly, instead, say a dimensional rift was created and this allowed some entities to cross over. They were studied and the resulting breakthroughs allowed the BigMT to flourish, It is for the same reason that the aliens only appear here. To cover it up, BigMT used a the story that a failed experiment at the Y-0 research center caused it so that the company shareholders didn't find out the truth.


I also have an upgrade suggestion: each time you find a new sonic signal for the sonic gun, it could be added to this entity, Instead of going to the jukebox to change the sonic signal each time, perhaps it could somehow automatically attack the laser walls that block access when it has that signal added.


I would also suggest that if "fired", it would return to Z-38 and buzz around the light beam and maybe follow the hologram.


About cyber-dogs and Rex: I don't dislike the 50's theme. I'm actually pretty good with it. My problem is that it doesn't make much sense to me. The robobrain dome is a weakness, but it's part of the style, i.e. Lost In Space, and it's only the brain. Having half of the body be part dog means that eventually the organic components will wither and die, and replacing them with metal parts isn't exactly a skill you can learn overnight. It's part of the canon, so I'm not going to go overboard, all I'm saying is that it's not my personal taste and I would rather see a fully cybernetic dog that sort of looks like one of the pieces from Voltron, And the whole visible brain... why don't they just pain a bulls-eye on it? Sorry, rant over. :)


I have no problem with different versions of cyberdogs, showing their "evolution", just not in Z-38. X-8 research center seems like the logical choice.


I see you really want the BOS involved in this... so how's about this: one of the endings for dead money involve the Ghost people using the cloud to attack the rest of the Mojave if you side with Elijah. Now Elijah was a pretty smart guy, there is no reason he could not have left some schematic ideas for an enhancement of the Robo-Dogs - a tool with which he would have wanted to use to attack the NCR. After all, it's pretty easy to find dogs in the wasteland and I assume cyborgs are somehow better than pure robots for that task. He might not have tested these ideas because he found the slave collars and went in that direction instead. So there you go, BOS involvement, no direct chapter involvement, and why these upgrades aren't standard for the OWB cyber-dogs. This would allow you to upgrade Rex when you got back to the Mojave. Furthermore, you can go the Mr. Gutsy route with two weapons for close and long combat: short range sonic weapon, long range K9000 mini-gun (that can maybe upgrade to be more like a tesla cannon).


I think that any valence development should be moved to Y-17 medical facility. Just a personal request, if you give ED-E a valence, can you make it like a ring around it and not floating like a halo.


About Z-38 - my first idea is to remove the hatch - I actually missed the entrance the first time I went it after installing the mod. Instead, have the thing covered by one of the sonic walls, so that it can be entered after it's first upgrad at X-8.

Another ideas is a new room can be added similar to the prototype testing you currently have (where you overlook the room) and have a holo chess match. This allows you to make different versions of holo-bots (protectrons are pawns, etc.). I don't think it should play out a whole match, but you could have a sort of paused game in progress and have some holo pieces the sides indicating they were "taken". This would be explained as testing how many holograms can be supported by a mainframe, for the Sierra Madre. Some terminal notes can add backstory that the scientists were goofing off and playing Holo Chess instead of working. You can even add thrones on either side of the rooms to be control chairs.


If you'd like, how's about X-2 transmitter antenna array and restoring the part you take away only calling it B.O.M.B. uplink. Part of Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 from the original developers, was the idea of orbiting space stations with space to ground weapons. Although they are supposed to have a 24 nuclear weapon payload, I don't see why B.O.M.B. can't be an ion cannon pointed towards earth. This could give you the Archimeded II weapon without the once a day use.


I'm going to have to disagree with ApocalypticGirl on The Forbidden Zone Dome, it doesn't really appear the robo scorpions are in any way linked to an atmoic laser (imho). It makes sense for other robot version to be there and does follow what I believe Dr. Mobius capable of. The prototype evolution is also a great idea. Considering the cazadors are already freaking fast and deadly, having a cybernetically enhanced version will be killer, literally. I look forward to blowing them apart. :) If you're going to go with additional weapon upgrades for Rex, I would recommend that being here as well.


One more thing, if you're going to add a Lobotimite facility, it should go in Y-17 medical facility.


I'll be glad to help with the independent vegas mod, I'll most likely just post there about it.

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When I hear about aliens and Mars, I can't help but think of War of the Worlds. Mr. Gutsy's that look remarkably like alien Tripods...


OK let me get back to you on those suggestions, it's a lot to consider esp in re: to lore. I had just thought of the photonic/holographic entities it as a tie in to the mars project that also conveniently explained the valence back story. They actually came about because initially in the mars project we were going to have ancient aliens that were different from the zeta type (something more mystical like the doom 3 aliens). But later we decided to reign it in (lore-wise) and just go with a long abandoned zeta alien base. We figured we'd keep the light entities since the zeta aliens had holographic and light/field emitters so htey seemed somewhat in that area of tech.


But let me ask you a more general question. First of all, do you think the photonic entity is worth developing as a full companion.....with a actual back story and companion quest like the rest of NV's?


I would also suggest that if "fired", it would return to Z-38 and buzz around the light beam and maybe follow the hologram.


Yeah that sounds like a reasonable location for it to wander about in, if it doesn't fly off to finish it's programming (assuming it has any).


It's part of the canon, so I'm not going to go overboard, all I'm saying is that it's not my personal taste and I would rather see a fully cybernetic dog that sort of looks like one of the pieces from Voltron, And the whole visible brain...

I have no problem with different versions of cyberdogs, showing their "evolution", just not in Z-38. X-8 research center seems like the logical choice.


No worries, robodog looks (as much as you can make out from a 2D sprite) pretty much what your describing, and he had to come from somewhere. BigMT seems like the best source of research due to their cyberdog studies. Robodog is listed as;


"Either this thing is some horrible stitched together combination of dog and machine or it's all machine, cunningly done to look like a dog. It's hard to tell."


So we can make it a late stage prototype, with only a limited number made before war broke out. One can be in BigMT, the enclave had at least one that Dr. Henry stole (FO2) and any others may be lost to the sands of time. It can look essentially like what your describing; larger, more wolf-like, fully mechanical body save for a bio-gel dome and canine brain.


I see you really want the BOS involved in this...


Only if it's a canine power armor, they're not needed if it's a robodog. I just think if it's actual power armor, it should be (in order of likelihood) found at/with; West Tek Research Facility laboratories, the enclave or BOS.


This would allow you to upgrade Rex when you got back to the Mojave. Furthermore, you can go the Mr. Gutsy route with two weapons for close and long combat: short range sonic weapon, long range K9000 mini-gun (that can maybe upgrade to be more like a tesla cannon).


Re: upgrading Rex, I think we'd be better off going with a separate critter as a robodog. But if you really wanted to make a large, physical upgrade to Rex, a good location would be the gene splicing room/facility (X-8). Find (or have one of the think tanks write) a holo tape that combines a bot (protectron? Sentry?) and a cyberdog to get a robodog. It's a great explanation for some really strange combinations and it's just begging to be expanded.


Plus it's how I'm going to splice the K9000/FIDO to Rex (or another cyberdog) that you see in the pic from the 1st post).


I think that any valence development should be moved to Y-17 medical facility. Just a personal request, if you give ED-E a valence, can you make it like a ring around it and not floating like a halo.


Well the original z-38 only had holograms and valences, so I'm thinking that's the best place for them and fits in very well with the other light related research (holo, laser etc) for "lightwave dynamics research".


Re: ED-E, the ring (like a belt?) is an interesting idea, I'll try it out. I suspect though, that the halo will work better. I'v had my ED-E with one for a week now and it looks really good. But I'll make a larger one around ED-E's equator for you (and any other players that prefer it).


A related thought would be a upgrade for ED-E (I know, I know, after lonesome road he has a ridiculous amount of upgrades as it is). That would provide him a little force-field cage, sort of the opposite of a Faraday cage that could provide energy or physical protection. It's a rough mock up but it gives you the rough idea.




About Z-38 - my first idea is to remove the hatch - I actually missed the entrance the first time I went it after installing the mod. Instead, have the thing covered by one of the sonic walls, so that it can be entered after it's first upgrad at X-8.


One of the force fields? Yeah I can do that, but it has to be stairs or an elevator leading down, just because there is no additional room in the building (ie the exterior is already well defined).


Another ideas is a new room can be added similar to the prototype testing you currently have (where you overlook the room) and have a holo chess match. This allows you to make different versions of holo-bots (protectrons are pawns, etc.). I don't think it should play out a whole match, but you could have a sort of paused game in progress and have some holo pieces the sides indicating they were "taken". This would be explained as testing how many holograms can be supported by a mainframe, for the Sierra Madre. Some terminal notes can add backstory that the scientists were goofing off and playing Holo Chess instead of working. You can even add thrones on either side of the rooms to be control chairs.


You know the chessboard in the lab with the robots? I'v been working on it as a simple toy that would let you play the last couple moves of a chess game. I removed it from beta 1 because I was having issues with the small size, and portability. re: the size, it was hard to script the protectrons to walk to a certain square accurately, but that wouldn't be a problem with a life sized board. Plus you make a good pitch/explanation for it's existence (Holo testing). So that sounds like a good one to go in sub level 3 (the holo research wing).


If you'd like, how's about X-2 transmitter antenna array and restoring the part you take away only calling it B.O.M.B. uplink.


I'm hesitant to do that because these are military assets that I don't htink BigMT would have access to. The enclave does (broken steel), and there are probably ways to acquire the codes from military/gov complexes (ruins), but even as close as BigMT worked with the DOD that's military security.


But I do like the idea of either restoring or altering the X-2 antenna, can you think of another interesting use? Maybe restoring the antenna to use a wide area, large scale pacification field that makes the lobotomites (and their ever present spawns behind the think tank dome) non-violent.


Or maybe a more extended quest that involves the antenna and a lot of exotic tech. The quest is explained in rather general and very convoluted techo-jibberish terms so that the final objective isn't really clear. After the player gathers everything it's attached back on the X-2 facility to the antenna and the player assumes his/her job is done. However, later he/she finds that it's actually an experiment that mirrors the end slide version of NCR citizens believing they are living in Tranquility Lane, via some sort of psionic/mental waves the antenna broadcasts The think tanks figured you knew what the purpose of the experiment since it was explained (in what they thought) were very simple terms and are perplexed re: why it's a problem.


The first part would be a proper mission to gather items. The 2nd part (after the Antenna was activated) would be a little more tongue in cheek. You'd get to see Nipton and other people near the Mojave drive in theater under a mass delusion that they live in an idyllic pre-war neighborhood . Assume the broadcast range is limited while the think tanks are calibrating the link between the satellite and the antenna...I don't want to have to make up packages and dialog for more than a handful of people.


This also highlights the essential nature of the think thanks. Great knowledge doesn't impart great wisdom and illustrates their pursuit of knowledge directly in the face of ethics and common sense (even thought they're not malevolent, just incredibly out of touch with reality). Then the player can return to BigMT, set the think tanks straight and diffuse the situation by disabling the antenna etc (or if the player is evil karma, just assume the think tanks aren't able to increase the range of the antenna due to technical limitations).


Might also be nice to talk to Dr. Mobius about reigning in his roboscorpions.


On a related note, I'd like more think tank specific quests. Some could be simply gathering exotic tech for experiments but others could rely on the "new status" of the BigMT, reflecting new policies thanks to the player (good and bad karma options), or restoring function to facilities etc.


For good karma players they could convince the think tanks to stop making lobotomites or even restore them. To restore them you'd have to locate the brains and bring them back to the appropriate facility along with the lobotomites (might need a slave mod for that) and probably some other exotic tech. Then they could be returned to the Mojave with an unexplained gap in their memory and some very perplexing dreams.


For bad karma pc's they could make cash by bringing in wastelanders to the think tanks as guinea pigs.


And as you'v already mentioned repairing Mobious, fixing up 8 etc.


it doesn't really appear the robo scorpions are in any way linked to an atmoic laser (imho). It makes sense for other robot version to be there and does follow what I believe Dr. Mobius capable of.


First off I agree that (lore or not) atomic lasers are way too interesting to limit to just the scorps. We already have a really nice player weapon based on it that AG made, and I'd like to use it for other bots as well (although not nearly commonly as its used with roboscorpions).


But regarding the lore, the terminal entries list it as where the research is done. But it's not a big deal for us for a couple of reasons. Just because that's where the research is done doesn't mean it's limited to the forbidden zone, prototypes and what have you could have been shipped to other facilities. And second it's not a bad area to start some additional dungeon creation including the sub level where the giant roboscorpion was housed, it's associated research and of course the atomic lasers.


The prototype evolution is also a great idea. Considering the cazadors are already freaking fast and deadly, having a cybernetically enhanced version will be killer, literally. I look forward to blowing them apart. :)


My original idea was for the prototypes to be complete failures. Walking monstrosities that were far more pitiful than dangerous. But I figure there's more than one way a project can be a failure. So while I'd still like most of the prototypes to walking junk piles, some can be deadly predators (like the robotic or cybernetic cazadors) that for one reason (uncontrollable/psychotic) or another were deemed unsuitable for further research.


If you're going to go with additional weapon upgrades for Rex, I would recommend that being here as well.


Sure we can go that way for weapon upgrades, and/or the other think tanks can be good candidates as well. Although I think, for large physical changes to Rex, we should probably use the gene splicing facility.


One more thing, if you're going to add a Lobotimite facility, it should go in Y-17 medical facility.


Sounds reasonable to me, in the end I'd like to expand on all the facilities....time permitting.

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Here's the thing with aliens from the 50's - most were little green/gray men that are typically in flying saucers and want to take over the Earth. They are evil, but bumbling for the most part and like to monologue. There are variations on that theme, with monsters and a more intelligent antagonist and the like, but essentially, that's the impression that I have. The Zeta aliens abducted humans throughout our history and may have caused the great nuclear war. The Zeta Aliens are less Mars Attacks! and more Ozymandias - for the most part, OWB is pretty light hearted considering we are talking about brain removal and monstrous experiments. This is your mod and your vision, but I would recommend staying away from a Zeta connection.

The reason I am suggestion an alternate dimension, is that depending on your time/skill, a quest could involve the PC going to the alien dimension. I see it as a barren wasteland of straight lines with crystal formations. The photonic entities can be the native inhabitants and would tie-in to the backstory I laid out. The valences, sonic weapons, sonic walls, etc. can all be derived from studying this other dimension.

If, on the other hand, you go with the Zeta's, you can go in a different direction. How about this: a zeta spacecraft crashed deep into the mountain that would become BigMT. A research company found this crashed starship and built over and around it, studying it's secrets "For Science!". If you go with this, then the photonic aliens can become alien holograms that were treated like pets. Thus, when you release the one that is caged, if follows you around like one because you're the first person to show kindness in a long time. I don't know if it should be a full companion, in a fleshed out sense, but as another gun that follows you, why not? The only other companion there is Roxy, and cyber-dogs (and dogs) are next to useless as companions. Having a terminal that explains their general purpose, how awed the scientists are that even the pets are more advanced that anything the humans have developed, etc. and you're done. This also allows a sequence where you are being hunter by flying alien ships.


About the Rex armour: Alright, hows about this: make it look like power armor, but be fully robotic. To visualize this, I’m going for a Robocop-like cyborg, where all the organic components are protected and hidden from view (if you must, except for the brain). If you want to get into the lore, say the saturnite alloy was used to make an additional exoskeleton. I honestly doubt the BOS would bother with the time and resources to research armored-up cyber dogs and instead use those resources to build more T-45d's. My Elijah connection suggestion was made because he was a (mad) genius who thought outside of the BOS box and would have considered the un-practicality of a cyber-dog and how it can be improved. That would tie into Gabriel having an additional sonic weapon, due to research developed at BigMT.


The rex upgrades: I think that it could be done with the ghoul that is at Jacob's Town, the assistant of Dr. Henry or going to the Followers. Heck, you can even go to the BOS with it, but that would give them the Tech and they would add robot-dogs to the patrols/internal areas. Following your suggestion, The Think Tank can individually provide an upgrade for Rex in the form of holotapes after the main quest.


Borous - armor enhancement

8 - sound cannon

0 - K9000 to energy weapon retrofit

Dala - upgraded power generator

Klein - stealth device


You can start off this quest by witnessing Roxy accidentally combine with the K9000. That gives you the idea of modifying Rex as well.


If you believe that you would be better off with a new NPC rather than modify an existing one, that’s fine. I personally dislike dog companions because they aren’t modifiable with weapons or armor and was hoping this would be a nice compromise to fix, what I feel to be, a bad companion. I had a similar feeling towards ED-E before it’s stealth upgrade.

The problem with different splicing combinations is that you’re going to have to invent several new models for the resulting horror-show.

The K9000/Fido doesn’t really look spliced to Rex in the screenshots, it looks more like a bolted on backpack.


OK, valence stays at Z-38.


ED-E, I have an alternate suggestion, why not have a valence shell? Have it boost resistance to all types of damage. I thought of a halo around the middle to simulate a Saturn-like effect, but whatever. Alternately, why not make it something ED-E equips when entering combat?


About Z-38 – I mean keep the stairs, just remove their covering. An elevator would be a good choice to show its deep underground where testing damage can be mitigated.


Yay! I look forward to the holo-chess game!


About X-2 Transmitter – at the time of the great war, BigMT was a military contractor just like RobCo. I’m pretty sure they had access to some pretty high-tech stuff, but if you wish, why not just have a simple name change and say BigMT Ion Cannon Satellite. Considering the way the Think Tank talked about Penises, you could even use a euphemism like: D-estrucive I-on C-annon K-iller (yeah, that’s pretty bad but you get the idea). This would definitely be something BigMT was capable of: building and launching their own mad scientist superweapon.


I do like the pacification idea, but it would be pretty hard to use in the rest of the gameworld. Just imagine: Super Mutant Hippies. “Make love not war, man”. “I used to be really uptight but now I’m one with the universe”. “Everything is so yellow!”. But it’s not very practical in the work it would entail. I do find it odd that you’re not automatically added to the lobotomite ignore list, that should have been part of the reward of having your own think tank.

How about a modification of that idea: the new uplink connects to the satellite that crashed and teleported you originally. Have this satellite act like a receiver and then spawn like 10 npc’s that do as you suggest, just travellers who now think they are living in Pre-War times. Oh! Call it the Pacification Protocol, part of a project to calm the masses. The only way to stop this would be to blow up the crashed satellite at which time the NPC’s become hostile to you. Which leads to my alternate suggestion to the Archimedes II deathray: a pacification or aggression gun. This calms or enrages a targeted person(s). I’m not fond of this idea as it would make certain portions a little too easy, but there you go – I think I just explained the mesmertron from Fallout 3.


It might be worth enabling the shield protecting BigMT from the rest of the world. If you follow my Alien idea, this could explain random fissures opening up in the Mojave of enemy photonic aliens and only turning on the shield again contains them to just BigMT.

I agree about the scorpions as well, just have them add you to their faction lists when the main quest is complete.

The thing about the Think Tank, is that there is little that they can do that will change the outside world without a lot of work and skill. I’m honestly not ever sure where you can with them. I mean there’s the obvious (energy weapon mods) but other than that… I’ll have to think about it.

The lobotomite restoration would be a good idea, but then you would have to change the spawns to Mr. Handy’s or Mr. Gutsy’s. The place needs to be kept maintained and without the flesh puppets, things will begin to break down.

The thing with repairing the Think Tank is you risk losing your tentative control over them. Don’t forget what your brain was like without the biological chemicals that regulate your behavior. Honestly, there’s no reason they could not then ran rampant over the wasteland. Dr. Mobius didn’t really have a choice in his actions and undoing them could be disastrous.

The scorpion basement sounds like a good idea.

I can see the cazador experiment’s being failure. They’re pretty lightweight and adding a metal stinger could throw off their flying ability. Makes sense.

Edited by darkus37
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Sorry Darkus37, been a little busy on various projects. I'll hit those last post(s) you put up, soon.....late right now and have to work tomorrow.


But I thought of a good main villain for that fits the iconic OWB style and is actually malevolent. I thought the courier could run across a picture that showed a 7th scientists. None of the think tanks have any memory of him (or her). Long story short this individual did not adapt to being a think tank and it took it's toll on his sanity. Long story short he fled to the subterranean levels and was forgotten when Dr. Mobius instituted the recursive loop to make the think tanks and himself forget.


But the hook is that the courier has advanced tech (even if he/she chose to have his/her original organs returned), as well as a unique physiology and neurology. In the Courier this evil think tank (I'm going to call him Morpheus after the greek god, just temporarily) see's his salvation. He believes that the courier is the unique, one in a million chance for Morpheus to regain a human body and leave his unfeeling cold shell of a robotic body.


Besides the obvious direct conflict/battle of the main questline we can also have several side quests related to Moerpheus's history and helping the other think tanks to recover their memory re: him/her/it.

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Hey devinpatterson, we actually talked about something like this before, go to posts #3-4. I would suggest the Latin word for end, "Exitus" as his name. It's kind of a good symmetry as the rest of the think tank's names are basically variations of infinity or never ending. Your main dislike with this idea previously was that this was too much like Mobius in style. I then suggested an alien who escaped from the Think Tank when Ulysses and/or Elijah escaped and want's revenge for being a prisoner but you weren't too thrilled with that idea either. I do have a new suggestion that perhaps you can use for flavor:


First, perhaps you can adapt The Calculator. For example, a ZAX unit with a brain connected that was designed to regulate BigMT while the Think Tank does research. Perhaps instead of a scientist, it can have the brain of a criminal, not very well educated or particularly crafty, which would explain why such a brain would have a hard time coping with some of it's higher functions. Like the type used in RoboBrains. After Elijah's escape attempts, This criminal, let's call him Freddy for now, begins to fight with the ZAX unit for control of the Lobotomites, explaining why they are hostile and don't appear to be doing anything, like the cyberdogs. Freddy beings to get stronger and stronger, using the ZAX against itself, explaining some of the experiments I suggested before. You are then give the choice of overwhelming Exitus and letting Freddy roam free in return for some unnamed reward, with the downside of random attacks by teleporting robots in the Mojave against NPC's, or you can help Exitus and restore BigMT to it's former glory.

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Hey devinpatterson, we actually talked about something like this before, go to posts #3-4.


Absolutely, but the difference here is that he want's the couriers body specifically and that gives a good direct conflict for our antoagonist


I would suggest the Latin word for end, "Exitus" as his name. It's kind of a good symmetry as the rest of the think tank's names are basically variations of infinity or never ending.


Exitus sound cool.


Your main dislike with this idea previously was that this was too much like Mobius in style.


True but I think this idea solves that problem. It places him squarely in the villian/bad karma territory (to take ones life for another's benefit-and due to the owb operations and couriers experience/neurological makeup only the player will do). So I think this will clearly differentiate him from Mobius, who verged on the loony but not evil.



I do have a new suggestion that perhaps you can use for flavor:


Cool :thumbsup:

I have to jet to work, but look forward to exploring those ideas when I get home

Edited by devinpatterson
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I then suggested an alien who escaped from the Think Tank when Ulysses and/or Elijah escaped and want's revenge for being a prisoner but you weren't too thrilled with that idea either.


It's not that I didn't think it was a good idea, it's just that I try to stick really close to canon on FO3 & FONV mods. Not that I'm bitching about it, part of the challenge of modding fallout is how to place everything in context. Even on the mars mod, I won't be adding any new aliens, just recycling the zeta tards. But I am going to be floating the idea for a non canon mod tonight, that will give me a lot more artistic freedom.


I do have a new suggestion that perhaps you can use for flavor:


First, perhaps you can adapt The Calculator.


Yeah I'v always liked the idea of the Calculator. I actually have something very similar to it in the sunset mod (except the other brains weren't willing participants).


You are then give the choice of overwhelming Exitus and letting Freddy roam free in return for some unnamed reward, with the downside of random attacks by teleporting robots in the Mojave against NPC's, or you can help Exitus and restore BigMT to it's former glory.


What about a compromise. Without adding in Freddy, but following the basic theme you can side with Exitus to get the crazy experiments (the same as siding with Freddy in your scenario) or with the think tank (and restore BigMT to it's former glory).


Also, tonight I'm going to float some ideas for some additional mods (down the road) and help with a sub-plot for the sunset mod. Chime in if anything perks your interest.

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I'm not sure what you are referring to with the sunset mod. but I'm game - send me a link to what you're talking about. Like I said, I'm just throwing out some ideas that I hope stick. I would still really like to see the PC running across BigMT while evading flying drones that are attacking you.
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