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Old World Blues Expanded


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4.) Dala needs help with a brave new experiment: She wants to be a mother! Help her gather orphans of the wastes to turn Higgs Village into a town of children -or- help gather samples of her dna from her house and procure a second sample (either your own or of anything/anyone else, like a sample found in one of the others houses) and help her grow herself a child.


All interesting ideas I'd like to comment on when I'm not a half dead sleep deprived zombie. But this one ^^^^ in particular stood out, since it came out of left field and was so unexpected. I could totally see Dala doing that. Continuing her study of formology with a whole new batch of teddy bears. I think that could develop a very creative plot line :thumbsup:

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To me it seems like the perfect extension of her odd personality quirks (either of my ideas for her but the first was the one that hit hardest ), her fascination with her "teddy bears" and all their "messy organic processes" seems like time spent caring for children through there developing stages would be a fascinating project for her.
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Here's a suggestion if you follow that quest line: you gather some orphans, say 5-6 to learn about Science!, and they take up shelter in the Village where Dala teaches them (you're going to have to add a holo projector that Dala spawns in to act like a teacher). As soon as they are gathered, and that portion of the quest is finished, a day or so (up to a week) passes and you get a new message from Dala that says that the children got fed up with her (describes them using phrases like ungrateful, etc.) and have scattered throughout BigMT. You gather them up again, and take them to Dala where she begins to yell at them, when like in the trailer for OWB, a robo-scorpion pops in and begins to threaten the children. Dala begs you to help them. When you deal with it, Dala stops referring to the orphans as teddy bears, and begins to refer to them as children - indicating that she is remembering her humanity. The children stop making antagonistic comments and treat her better as well.
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her fascination with her "teddy bears" and all their "messy organic processes" seems like time spent caring for children through there developing stages would be a fascinating project for her.


Too true, especially the really young ones, they're poop factories for sure.


either of my ideas for her but the first was the one that hit hardest


Oh check out the alternate dead money ending, it has a in depth tie in to dala becoming and android and a little info on (a surprisingly large lore) nexus androids that was gathered from an extended 4 or 5 books written about decker and the androids.


and have scattered throughout BigMT


I like the idea of tracking down the orphans. Maybe just to speed things up (since we all hate waiting in game), instead of them becoming fed up with Dala , a small group escape out of fear, right after being brought to higgs village. I mean lets face it she's a giant floating brain in a jar. It doesn't matter how nice you are, that's gonna freak a kid out.


Also I'd suggest she does this clandestinely so only her and the player know. The other think tanks are very unlikely to let anyone with a functioning brain in BigMT (I think the pacification field wouldn't work), they're probably not well disposed to biological beings, much less little ones that cause messes and it just seems fitting that it's done secretly.


It also adds a wrinkle to the search and find mission that you can't let on to the other think tanks. That could be particularly difficult if one of the children escape to the think tank. Then we could have humorous scene (if you alert them, or don't find the child before they do) where the think tanks panic because of a 7 year old girl. Describing her in 1950's sci fi horror terms with "it's" ultra sonic death weapon (crying/wailing) reversing the roles of monster and victim to a ridiculous degree.

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How about, a child sneaks into the Think Tank and you are summoned as their defender, i.e. they claim a lobotomite has wandered in and is keeping them from their work since the lobotomite keeps asking the scientists, "why?" to everything they say.


I agree, the rest shouldn't know about the children.


Goodnight devinpatterson!

Edited by darkus37
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Really like the idea of it being in secret from the others and even though I didn't put it in the post either of her ideas had a "keep it from the others" vibe... much like keeping the secret of her "examinations" from the others, since they would see it a base "formography" (like the hinted at dirty movie holotapes she has somewhere *chuckles*) in the case of the orphans it would be both fear of the fact they couldn't use the pacification field on them, and the disgust of keeping such anatomically disturbing pets. (they seem to be totally undisturbed by animals...but humans are another matter. (the rather disturbing dialog during the first meeting with them "It's filthy 'hands' with all those, what do you call them?, 'penises'?" *chuckles* Klien is a very messed up individual).


I can see them all wanting to keep their projects hidden..at least until they know they will be successful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ohhhh how I love my story lines, and also the kids in Fallout. This is aweeeeeeeesomeeeeeeeee. Lol seriously, I love the idea of Dala getting real life teddy bears of her own :D whether grown from her own DNA, or orphans from the Mojave, I love it!
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