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Old World Blues Expanded


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Her much more human side is what made me think of that idea, and the get her a body idea I offered as well, basically an either or for what I could definitely see in her the motherly side and the very obvious sensualist side. What you learn of thier personalities from interacting with them and from the few scattered notes mentioning them in various places (or Dala's oh so very interesting home) just cries out for more exploration lol, though one thing I had forget with the others that the recent playthrough I did brought to mind...It seems Doctor Klein and 8 both were living with someone else in thier homes...the indication with 8 is a roomate type thing(seperate beds)..but where is/who was this person? Klein however had a double bed and female clothing...seems as if he had a wife/girlfriend! (wife being more likely, but only because of the 50's style of the culture, they wouldn't have allowed an unmarried couple to live in the same house at a government facility)
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Klein however had a double bed and female clothing...seems as if he had a wife/girlfriend! (wife being more likely, but only because of the 50's style of the culture, they wouldn't have allowed an unmarried couple to live in the same house at a government facility)


Hmmm that's interesting, I wonder if there was any fraternizing between Klein and Dala? But then again it woudn't make sense for her to keep a separate wardrobe at his house....and her tastes seem to run to teh "exotic", so probably not.

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I think what old world blues was truely missing was the ATHENA power armor (highly advanced prototype prewar armor that was well above and beyond the t51b during intial tests) and the HERMES


Yeah that would be cool, but those two were Poseidon Energy & DOD (Hermes), Poseidon Energy & Enclave (for Athena). Of course I guess that's really just being pedantic. They (BigMT) had a *lot* of gov contracts (and later civilian as well), so I don't see why OWB couldn't have had BigMT power armor division. Maybe the developers thought it would be superfluous, since you already had a new armor in OWB.


We we're actually going to have a armor based off of HERMES in the mars mod (bottom of the post and scattered in teh thread), and probably still will, but in a reduced form. It was a slightly different view (Reflex armor and had an AI), but used the HERMES lore as it's background. However Apocalyptic Girl is on a (probably permanent) break from modding after Lonesome Road went on a glitch-fest, and her voice was going to be the main feature of the armor :(


However it'd be a lot of fun to have a facility that mirrors the stealth suit tests. From basic target tests to full on combat simulations. The armor could be upgraded upon successful completion of the appropriate tests, just like it's stealth version was. For example if your going with the Hermes, you could have a targeting test. Hit 7 targets in under 4 seconds. If you succesful you head back for your upgrade and the armor's agility penalty is removed (assume the suit is now calibrated with your movements, or you'v just gotten use to wearing it etc). These tests could progress until you have a boss fight and the final upgrade.


I see the big advantage of the HERMES being that it's medium armor that provides heavy armor protection. So BigMT's version of the light infantry armor it wouldn't be more powerful than T-51B (which is 25DT), but it could come in at 25 to 50% less weight and fall into the medium category. That may not sound like much but it's actually 2 pts DT higher than Elite riot armor. Plus there could be other minor upgrades just like there was for the stealth suit.


For BigMT's version of ATHENA you'd basically be looking at advanced power armor MK II (Enclave);


"This version of Enclave power armor appears as legacy content in Fallout: New Vegas, along with the Enclave soldiers, although they can only be accessed with console commands. It has a DT of 32 for the armor and 6 for the helmet, giving it 7 DT more than T-51b power armor and 2 DT more than Remnants power armor.", first page.


Although even without upgrades that would probably be unbalanced. Plus I'd go with one or the other, not both types (ATHENA & HERMES).

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Just played through the part you had done and posted, the lightwave research, very cool!


I have version 2 ready (well just about, need a little tweak with two weapons), but it's about double the size (not hard since the mod is tiny), and includes an opportunity for a valence for ED-E and Rex. But it's not navmeshed, so if you re-enter a cell actors are scattered to the winds....

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I think athena was a lost prototype design as in the timeline ATHENA aside the enclaves tests for power armor some were actually worse then t51b, presumably its designs were lost and due to the think tanks programming (as well as various accidents at big mt the enclave lost contact with them on the oil rig and had to improvise their own designs which took longer and were far less powerful, over all I think ATHENA http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Athena is greater the advanced mkII perhaps even Hellfire armor
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presumably its designs were lost and due to the think tanks programming (as well as various accidents at big mt the enclave lost contact with them


Well like I mentioned ATHENA wasn't a bigMT project, it was Poseidon energy, that's why you have to go with a different project....one BigMT based. And the think tank didn't have any communication post war with teh enclave.


over all I think ATHENA http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Athena is greater the advanced mkII perhaps even Hellfire armor


Did you read my post amigo? You think it's **greater** than 32dt. Ie. already 7 dt higher than brotherhood T51-b.

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Another armor for OWB would be interesting, especially a good power armor (gives those that don't like to stealth a good armor out of the place)..perhaps something like an advanced medic powerarmor , I'm thinking the whole injects stimpacks and med-X effect like the stealthsuit (and even a nice AI *chuckles*) but with the added bonus of either absorbing radiation (I'd think a point a click, like the lowest level rad areas but in reverse) or it giving a special healing effect, perhaps a hotkeyed ability to drain powercells and it gives you a heal tick or maybe something like the Solar Powered perks healing.


Or perhaps a experimental model of the Trauma Harness (which was an advanced spacesuit already lol) with an advanced AI so that it can tell the difference between living and dead, perhaps with a reflex enhancement feature (reduced critical against you chance, AP boost/price reduction) so as to aid in keeping you from needing to be brought for medical attention.

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