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Old World Blues Expanded


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Or perhaps a experimental model of the Trauma Harness (which was an advanced spacesuit already lol) with an advanced AI so that it can tell the difference between living and dead, perhaps with a reflex enhancement feature (reduced critical against you chance, AP boost/price reduction) so as to aid in keeping you from needing to be brought for medical attention.


Could be a good tie-in with the Mars project. We already know that there are Trauma Harness technology power armor (and many other suits) corpses on the surface of the Mars base that have been defending it for over 200 years. And it also ties into Apocalyptic Girl's Trauma Harness enabled armor as well. Since OWB is inventor of the tech, I don't see why a prototype suit shouldn't be found there.


Perhaps as a twist, you have to kill the suit to acquire it.....wonder if it would hold a grudge. Or maybe kill several of them to piece together parts to make a complete functioning suit.


Going off of your suggestions above and gearing them toward the Trauma Harness's designed purposes, what about it eliminating crippling effects (except for the head)? The Y-17 Trauma Override Harness was designed to "once a certain injury threshold is reached, it takes over the motor functions of the user and walks them to the designated home base". It seems like that would fit right in, with the suit taking over damaged functions of the body to continue combat, instead of walking home (since it's a combat suit).


I know protection from being crippled isn't the most exciting perk, but it does kind of fit well....and it can actually be pretty handy. Plus we could give it some additional perks all based on the robotic harness idea. Like it could effectively cancel out the 40lbs weight of the armor (0 weight, or +40 lbs or more of carry weight), include the T-51b's +1 to strength and possibly even classify it as medium armor as the armors software is supposed to learn you movements and provides robotic aid to assist the player in reducing the effort required.

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Well being immune to crippling can be very useful, especially in combat, a crippled arm throws your shots way off. It effectively cancelling it's own weight when worn makes perfect sense as well as it is designed to be able to carry the wearer, the strength and idea of it being less of an effort to move with works great as well.
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This was my favorite dlc of the few for FNV (Well, close tie between this and Sierra Madre). The thing that I desired most out of this dlc was a better ending. It seemed very inconclusive. I would love to see an expansion of the scientists' personalities, and to see them in human form. I also like the idea of new weapons and enemies... Overall, I just really like where this mod is going... A simple idea that might be fun to experiment with is zero gravity for the player (I don't know what that would entail for scripting, as far as editing the physics of the game). If you could figure out a way to only apply zero gravity to the player, you would prevent objects from floating away (just say it only affects lobotomites), or perhaps create an area inside somewhere with zero gravity. Perhaps the gravity field of big mountain malfunctions and the player must restore it... I look forward to seeing this mod, if you guys need any help, I would be more than willing to do whatever I can. Happy modding!!!
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I just completly like this idea, is there a download?, or are you guy's working on it, I skipped 6 pages, sorry if I missed the download :o


Yeah there is a beta 1, but wait a few days because beta 2 is almost done. I just have to finish a Gabe clone story line and navmesh it. I probably won't navmesh it before release, since it's tedious and I'm a lazy as*, but I'll try to put some time in on it over the weekend.

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This was my favorite dlc of the few for FNV (Well, close tie between this and Sierra Madre).


I know right? Didn't it just perfectly capture that campy 50's sci-fi setting :biggrin:


I would love to see an expansion of the scientists' personalities, and to see them in human form. I also like the idea of new weapons and enemies...


Re: personalities, me too. To me the weapons, enemies etc are interesting but take a back seat to developing the think tanks themselves. It's why I came up with the idea of a VR dreamstate simulation. You get a chance to not only see the think tanks in their human form, but even as children.....as you experience their dreams. Here is a link back to the orginal post for the VR, post #2 if you havn't read it, or to make things easier it's just below in the spoiler tag




im hoping that the vr thing will be like tranquility lane except in the higgs villiage


Yeah that's what I was thinking. I plan on copying the cell (but of course I'll change the enclosing building to a 6' white fence). Then plop it down in a mini-world of it's own so it won't appear to have any boarders, and will have a sky, other neighborhoods in the distance etc. That should complete the illusion.


It also has the advantage that if I ever need to expand it, I can. For instance maybe the neighborhood has a gate that leads to a soda shop that was a favorite hangout of one of the think tank's when he/she was a kid, perhaps a general store. A little VR Mayberry, or what have you.


I like hte idea of a VR and being able to see the think tanks as they were in human form. I like the idea of expanding their personalty, interests etc. For instance there would be a friendly VR version of gabe before his modifications, that would wander from Borus's house to backyard. Exploring Dala's house reveals she has some rather racy holo tapes she claims are "essential" for her research into formology, or maybe she wants to do some hands on research. A lot of different implications to explore for each think tank. Maybe 8 can make an appearance in a more understandable dialog.


But all of the think tanks (except possibly Dala) eschew and look down upon biological beings. I'm kind of going against lore if I include the VR as a recreational activity, because OWB portrays the think tanks as not wanting to be human anymore. They consider it messy, inefficient etc. So I came up with an idea. They have a recharge plate/base/dais in each chamber. I believe (I could be wrong) that every vertebrate, from the lowliest fish all the way to humans dream. So I tend to think Brainbots of all varieties do as well.


This VR can be an extension of this dreamstate. So when they plug in for their recharge, their brains also go into a REM state and enter the VR. This way the VR has more potential plot lines and can delve deeper into the think tank personalities. You can see their concerns, neurosis, conflicts etc materialize inside the sim, giving you a much deeper insight into their psyches.


This could allow for quests that digg into the subconsciousness's of the think tanks and are character related. Being a VR and a dreamstate means the think tanks could appear as their robotic selves, adults or even children....all dictated by the dream they are having. For instance maybe the first time the player enters the VR, Borous is a child and Betsy and Marcus are bullying him. You can help to resolve the situation (peacefully or otherwise) and begin to abosolve him of this obsession he has with the two.


But it doesn't have to be all character based quests. Because it's a dreamscape, it allows for a much wider variety of encounters, and thus the possibility for some real combat too. For instance a night mare of a Chinese communist invasion the player must fight off. Perhaps subconsciously the think tanks fear other lobotimites, besides the PC, (or any one of their crazy experiments) gaining self determination. That could result in VR nightmares of lobotimites invading higgs village, or even the Giant roboscoprion.


A lot of their culture will show in their dreams as well. The ever present pre-war paranoia will be reflected in the fear of chinese spies or co-conspirators. Pehaps the pint sized slasher was a national story and makes an appearance.


Really a ton of direction you can go on this one.


The only downside is you wouldn't be able to take any items out with you. Most of the time the think tanks wouldn't remember their dreams but some fragments may survive to the waking world. Some of those memories might give the think tank an idea about a weapon, mod or other device and a think tank could give you a holo to use at the sink to make it a reality.




Overall, I just really like where this mod is going... A simple idea that might be fun to experiment with is zero gravity for the player


Well I used fJumpHeightMin to simulate low gravity on teh mars mod, but I don't believe there is a game setting for gravity, and I'm really not sure how to make zero G


I look forward to seeing this mod, if you guys need any help, I would be more than willing to do whatever I can. Happy modding!!!


Definitely, any help would be greatly appreciated :thumbsup:

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Wanted to run an idea by you guys. I may have mentioned in this thread that in beta 2 I made an opportunity to get Valence radii-accentuators for both Rex and ED-E. The story line for Rex's involves a 3rd clone of Gabe as well as some standard cyberdogs that are involved in the research.


I'v been working off and on, on a cyberdog pup named Rocky. He's the baby of Rex and Roxie. I'm having a little trouble fitting the glowing brain skullcap, but I'll get it right pretty soon.


But it got me to thinking it might be cool to have a Gabe puppy (cloned), since there is already one Gabe clone involved, I don't see why there couldn't be another floating in a tank just waiting for the researchers next experiment. I just think there would be something ironic/interesting to see a psycho juiced cyber dog the size and temperament of a rhinoceros, as he was originally.....a cute, happy go lucky puppy.


Here is a pic of the puppy mesh



There's another pic of him at my mods page. Thos pics don't do Zenl's puppy meshes justice, they are really cute.


What do you guys think?

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But it got me to thinking it might be cool to have a Gabe puppy (cloned), since there is already one Gabe clone involved, I don't see why there couldn't be another floating in a tank just waiting for the researchers next experiment. I just think there would be something ironic/interesting to see a psycho juiced cyber dog the size and temperament of a rhinoceros, as he was originally.....a cute, happy go lucky puppy.


What do you guys think?


Before anyone gets their britches in a bunch, better safe than sorry. :P




When I was playing the mod, I honestly thought I was going to see this cute puppy or medium sized dog... BUT that obviously didn't turn out! I walk into the room and there is a giant psycho consuming, man devouring beast. Therefore, I would love to see a puppy version of Gabe, before he turned into that. Also, one of the most sorrowful moments is when the member of the Think Tank (I cant remember which one) realizes that he hurt someone he really cared about (Gabe) and there is no way to go back. Perhaps with the addition of this puppy (either Gabe, a clone, or next gen) Gabe, you can also develop a personality boost for that member of the Think Tank... Just a thought, but I like the idea of a Gabe that doesn't treat your face like a rubber chew toy.




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Also, one of the most sorrowful moments is when the member of the Think Tank (I cant remember which one) realizes that he hurt someone he really cared about (Gabe) and there is no way to go back.


Yeah that was Borous, and it was rather sad :(


Perhaps with the addition of this puppy (either Gabe, a clone, or next gen) Gabe, you can also develop a personality boost for that member of the Think Tank... Just a thought, but I like the idea of a Gabe that doesn't treat your face like a rubber chew toy.


I wonder if maybe he (the pup) could be left with Borous when he's fired, or just waiting. I think Borous would like that. Maybe even reward the player.

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