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Old World Blues Expanded


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Very cool! Makes for a great resource for the Mars mod too, see how beat up your suit's getting.


Yeah, good point, the suit is *everything*. I plan to have a health meter (for the suit) with the hud, but some people like to play 3rd person and this would be a great indicator. My script however didn't work worth crap, kept resetting. But I hope to be able to start modding again soon, maybe I can figure it out with some input from scripting guru's.

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/quietly wonders if you would consider adding this to your expansion ideas

it just bugs me a lot because its a pretty fundamental thing that has been totally missed out


Yeah that's something you could do via a custom race, but a bit of a hassle since your going to be making several custom races (like custom_hispanic, custom_caucasian) all with the scars. At least that's how I imagine it would be done, been out of the game for a while. But I'll keep it in mind for the expansion, but I'm afraid I can't promise anything......although I'd like to start modding again soon

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even just the headscar would be fine, and you don't need to do all the preset faces, just one average looking (i can just copy in the hex data myself). :biggrin: thanks for considering!


You wouldn't need hex data, you wont be changing the executable/game engine itself, just adding some texture assets (dds). I'd also hate to do just one, since anyone else playing a different race or sex woudn't be able to benefit from it. I like to think the community is there to support as many FO players as possible, and it's a good idea, so it should be shared. I'll try to take a shot at it when I have some free time, but the whole custom race thing is a blank spot to my meager skill set.


However that doesn't mean that you can't put this together yourself. The post above is a good general guide, but you'll have to do a little bit of your own research (which will benefit you later, since you'll be using it for other mods). You'll have to have or setup gimp or photoshop (or barrow with permission some scars from another author) and read some of the guides on custom races, but it shouldn't be a monster project.

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  • 3 months later...

I really dig the example work you've posted, just dl'd the test file for this. Gonna give it a go on my new playthrough, i'll be coming back i'm sure to post thoughts. Seems great so far, and i love a lot of the meshes in the mods you've posted!

Edited by Hengebobs
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I really dig the example work you've posted, just dl'd the test file for this. Gonna give it a go on my new playthrough, i'll be coming back i'm sure to post thoughts. Seems great so far, and i love a lot of the meshes in the mods you've posted!

Thanks Hengebobs, Old world blues is campy, with over the top 50's sci-fi flick character, but that's what makes full of possibilities. It's a great environment for the most outlandish experiments, scientific oddities, laboratory failures etc.


That mod is pretty small one, I was hoping to release beta 2 when I had to take a hiatus from modding. Beta 2 adds a lot aspects that affect the DLC in a more widescale way, instead of being confined to the Z-38 lightwave dynamics research facility. One example is the encounter lists for bots (as well as the boss bots) involve new models that show visual differences between the various Mark series. A OWB protectron mark VI has 675 health compared to a standard protectron which has 45, there should be a physical difference between the two. So I made some more solid models;








Don't worry about the clipping on teh shoulder of the Mark IV, I fixed that a while back, just havn't updated the pic. I also changed each mark series to have a different color dome.


Same with the robobrains. You'll see in this pic that a higher mark series is wider and more "solid" in general, plus the higher series have two or 3 brains networked together for additinal processing power (and slight schizophrenia......but you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs, right?).









You can also see a new weapon for Rex and a valence for ED-e.


I'm particularly interested in the idea of the thinktanks VR dreamscape (a mainframe serving as a REM/dream virtual reality). More details in teh spoiler (copied from a previous post);







"im hoping that the vr thing will be like tranquility lane except in the higgs villiage"



Yeah that's what I was thinking. I plan on copying the cell (but of course I'll change the enclosing building to a 6' white fence). Then plop it down in a mini-world of it's own so it won't appear to have any boarders, and will have a sky, other neighborhoods in the distance etc. That should complete the illusion.


It also has the advantage that if I ever need to expand it, I can. For instance maybe the neighborhood has a gate that leads to a soda shop that was a favorite hangout of one of the think tank's when he/she was a kid, perhaps a general store. A little VR Mayberry, or what have you.


I like hte idea of a VR and being able to see the think tanks as they were in human form. I like the idea of expanding their personalty, interests etc. For instance there would be a friendly VR version of gabe before his modifications, that would wander from Borus's house to backyard. Exploring Dala's house reveals she has some rather racy holo tapes she claims are essential for her research into formology, or maybe she wants to do some hands on research. A lot of different implications to explore for each think tank. Maybe 8 can make an appearance in a more understandable dialog.


But all of the think tanks (except possibly Dala) eschew and look down upon biological beings. I'm kind of going against lore if I include the VR as a recreational activity, because OWB portrays the think tanks as not wanting to be human anymore. They consider it messy, inefficient etc. So I came up with an idea. They have a recharge plate/base/dais in each chamber. I believe (I could be wrong) that every vertebrate, from the lowliest fish all the way to humans dream. So I tend to think Brainbots of all varieties do as well.


This VR can be an extension of this dreamstate. So when they plug in for their recharge, their brains also go into a REM state and enter the VR. This way the VR has more potential plot lines and can delve deeper into the think tank personalities. You can see their concerns, neurosis, conflicts etc materialize inside the sim, giving you a much deeper insight into their psyches.


This could allow for quests that digg into the subconsciousness's of the think tanks and are character related. Being a VR and a dreamstate means the think tanks could appear as their robotic selves, adults or even children....all dictated by the dream they are having. For instance maybe the first time the player enters the VR, Borous is a child and Betsy and Marcus are bullying him. You can help to resolve the situation (peacefully or otherwise) and begin to abosolve him of this obsession he has with the two.


But it doesn't have to be all character based quests. Because it's a dreamscape, it allows for a much wider variety of encounters, and thus the possibility for some real combat too. For instance a night mare of a Chinese communist invasion the player must fight off. Perhaps subconsciously the think tanks fear other lobotimites, besides the PC, (or any one of their crazy experiments) gaining self determination. That could result in VR nightmares of lobotimites invading higgs village, or even the Giant roboscoprion.


A lot of their culture will show in their dreams as well. The ever present pre-war paranoia will be reflected in the fear of chinese spies or co-conspirators. Pehaps the pint sized slasher was a national story and makes an appearance.


Really a ton of direction you can go on this one.


The only downside is you wouldn't be able to take any items out with you. Most of the time the think tanks wouldn't remember their dreams but some fragments may survive to the waking world. Some of those memories might give the think tank an idea about a weapon, mod or other device and a think tank could give you a holo to use at the sink to make it a reality.




A lot of possibilities in OWB......

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I'm wonderinghow well this will compliment your other mod. Given that canonically the COurier retires in BIG MOUNTAIN and continues to develope and release technology fromthere to the wasteland.

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