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Mod Manager Says no .esm file


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The nexus mod manager 0.65.0

I believe I may have, It worked properly as far as recognizing what games I had installed.

The game does run properly vanilla.


If I follow the file path, I am indeed missing the data/fallout4.esm file. I'm not sure what that means though.

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One more thing you can check (and this can be after Steam has added missing files):

1. Find the latest version of NMM on GitHub and grab a good stable one (I have 0.65.9 myself, it works).

2. Since running the game through steam itself or Fallout 4's launcher worked (assuming you mean the game launched and you could fire up a new game or resume an unmodded save), check your plugins tab in NMM. Here is where you want to make sure:

A. Fallout4.esm is listed (should be the first plugin)

B. Has the checkmark in the box for it.


If either of these is not the case check the needed plugins file and adjust it. As for the fallout4.esm file, mine is down the list quite a way from the start of the data folder listing all the files and directories therein, so you may not have looked far enough down.

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