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Purple weapons

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So I'm making a re-texture mod and it shows the texture in the GECK on the weapon but when I'm in game it turns purple or white. can anyone help me. I have re-textured skyrim and oblivion but fallout 3 re-texturing is harder than oblivion or skyrim re-texturing.


Below is a pic of what it looks like in game



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errr im gonna say ...wait for it .....toggle archive invalidation ..maybe ..no oh ok , but a texture artist with gambryo experience knows that silly to suggest it really and if its rendered in the geck the pathing is correct thats all i can suggest . me just does basic monkey stuff .
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I got the archive invalidation program so im good thanks ive been trying to figure out retexturing for fallout 3 for a year. I am back up and running on fallout 3.
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