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Immersion Friendly Male Hairstyles


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Hey guys.


Was wondering if there are any mods out there (or any being made) that create new hairstyles for men. The vanilla hairstyles were okay but I've kind of got bored of them. I know of course 99% of aesthetic mods are aimed at female characters but there are a lot of people who play as males as well and the limited number of aesthetic improvements for male characters, particularly with hair, is annoying. There are a few male hairstyles in mods (Apachii Sky Hair) but they all look a bit too Japanese-Final Fantasy-esque and I feel not only break immersion but also make the supposedly tough men of Skyrim look more feminine than the women. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to create a mod that added some male hairstyles to Skyrim that blended better with the overall feel of Skyrim as this harsh, rugged terrain and reflected that overall feel of the game. If anyone was willing to look into it I think something like the TV Series Game of Thrones' characters would be a good reference point in the sense that they would translate well with the overall nature of Skyrim (and there are some cool styles from it!) Some other games such as Dragon Age had some cool hairstyles too and maybe they could be given a look at.


I know there have been many who have requested this but the last few requests have either received little interest or they have been directed to mods such as Apachii Sky Hair which is not what we want, we want some form of hairstyles that aesthetically improve our male characters but still keep with the overall feel of Skyrim and don't break immersion. I guess hairstyles of varying lengths would be appreciated and if someone were to look into this you would have the gratitude of an overlooked mass of Skyrim players!



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