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New mod idea


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I know that the chances are slim that an author would make something that I would like but I showed it to a person and they thought it was awesome so I play on xbox and we happen to have a really really cool ship mod The Scarlet and when I looked at it I thought it was incredible! So I searched through the depths of bethesda.net and found that there are almost no male pirate clothes and the ones that were kind of pirate were a few assassins creed outfits which in my opinion really didn't match the stories of all tamrielic pirates so I thought that if I could get a pirate armor that looked great maybe an author would pluck up the idea and make a really really great new mod I know that if it was made it would be top voted and favorited so to any mod author if you're looking for something unique and you have some free time please send me a message about if you're interested you could even back shelf it for awhile if you're busy doing other things but Xbox could really use some more cool unisex armors and because of the outfits design it could be universally worn amongst all races I could see a super sick Argonian wearing it or even a high elf it's pretty wicked any way if you're willing to give Xbox one their own pirate outfit it would be much appreciated thank you and here is the link! https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao2-0lA8C_JPgxv_NwlX6SAaxYP2 Edited by Ripper673
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