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How about a mod list for Oldrim to SSE ports


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There is a precache killer for SSE but it's not called that. It's built into RaceMenu and the same one is built into SSE Engine Fixes.


SKSE64 is in Beta and has been for the last two or three versions.


SKSE itself and plugins that rely on it (such as Precache Killer) are not just script files, they contain dll files written in C++ that need to be rebuilt by the authors every time Bethesda updates the game. If they had just been Papyrus scripts, the Oldrim versions would have worked unchanged.

Awesome and great to know! That was actually something I'd been wondering about since being unable to find Precache Killer for SSE. I do feel bad for the Script Extender mod authors though, that must be a huge pain to have to rebuild them like every month or so.



it seems like almost everything from Oldrim has been ported.

Not my experience at all. Perhaps with the major mods, yes, but the more niche items are hard to find ported. Case in point: Christmas mods. There are 3 pages of Christmas mods for oldrim but if you look at the SSE entries it's almost barren - the most Christmas-y one being one that I recently uploaded. I can't speak for the other unported mods but in this case, most of the authors are despondent and/or have reupload / asset-use unfriendly permissions.

That I've really noticed in browsing Skyrim nexus since making my previous post. Many permissions settings shutting down possibilities of SSE ports, I think this is how the defaults are and older Skyrim mods might be from before the current Permissions options were added.


I wonder if it might be a good idea to have a "Caretaker" type account where for instance modders that are most likely gone forever, their Oldrim mod could be ported for SSE? Someone who wants the file would have to do the porting themselves but for these "gray area" files the Caretaker would be in charge of the file page. If the author is actually still around and they oppose the availability of the mod for SSE(I've seen a few description/profile that said this) then one message from them means it's removed and not allowed for port.


It would be mainly for files from before the built in permission system got implemented and only those that didn't state being against an SSE port on their page or profiles. One big problem is there may be many files from after permission system got added, but the author never changed anything from defaults and maybe never looked at it or even knew it was there.


TBH it can be something of an afterthought when publishing a mod I've found. I don't remember what I set on my own mods aside from Commercial Use never allowed. Maybe modder's wills shoukd be added in, with default being something like a time frame of both inactivity and having not responded to PM means community can use it, though the options would allow you to say for this to never happen if preferred.

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There is a caretaker system on Nexus but authors have to give the caretaker formal permission to take over their mods. The caretaker can't take over mods without positive consent from the author, any more than anyone else can, because that wouldn't be legal.


As to a time limit before a mod is considered free-for-all, there is one built into copyright law. Copyright lapses 50 (or in some cases 70) years after the death of the author. You just have to be patient.

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