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Discussing dawnguard


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Okay, so what I want to do, is to talk about dawnguard.

First hint was given in the patch some time ago, stuff inside the patch were shown at the front page of nexus.

Here is the "important"



Snow elf stuff:










Snow elves?

Yet prince?


Now take a look at the dawnguard trailer.


Any chance that the prince-ish person speaking, is falmer?

(heavily affected by vampirism is my guess)



Also, does anyone recognize the area shown in the trailer? (somewhere around 1:06-->)


But well, just general discussion about dawnguard. (what you think, wild guesses and such)

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The next day, he did return with more questions, these ones very specific. He wanted to know about the vampires of eastern Skyrim. I told him about the most powerful tribe, the Volkihar, paranoid and cruel, whose very breath could freeze their victims' blood in the veins. I explained to him how they lived beneath the ice of remote and haunted lakes, never venturing into the world of men except to feed.


Movarth Piquine listened carefully, and asked more questions into the night, until at last he was ready to leave.


"I will not see you for a few days," he said. "But I will return, and tell you how helpful your information has been."


True to his word, the man returned to my chapel shortly after midnight four days later. There was a fresh scar on his cheek, but he was smiling that grim but satisfied smile of his.


"Your advice helped me very much," he said. "But you should know that the Volkihar have an additional ability you didn't mention. They can reach through the ice of their lakes without breaking it. It was quite a nasty surprise, being grabbed from below without any warning."


-Excerpt from "Immortal Blood", in-game book.


We need this. The Volkihar. It's almost criminal that something so cool (no pun intended) was hinted at, but never (to the best of my knowledge) actually appeared in the game. Imagine how crazy it would be if you were pulled under the ice (the Dawnguard trailer shows a dragon busting through the ice, so it's possible; and even if the vampires can reach through without breaking it, pulling your solid body through the ice and into the water would surely break it) and had to fight your way out, or find a way back to the surface. They already have aquatic enemies (slaughterfish, anyone?) and ice-vampires seem to fit in perfectly with this expansion. Thoughts?

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Cooooooooooooooooool. I really gotta start reading books related to vampirism in elder scrolls..


I like the part where dragon bursts through the ice, if it becomes special ability for dragons, its gonna be perfect. (so that it doesn't just happen once in the whole game, during some quest)


Obviously dragons are gonna use their new "ability" somehow, but how?

Break ice, enter lake..

Burst out somewhere.


Probably below dragonborn/other enemies.



Also, Dawnguard.

Sounds like they are kinda "protecting the dawn", if sun is wholly blocked, how would it rise? So there must be someone "guarding" the dawn. (sorry for my really bad english, I could explain this better in my own language)

If I recall correctly, video hinted something about sun, blocking it, and thus causing vampires to be OP always?



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I will explain the trailer: they are members of a clan of especials vampires that live on a remote island,

these vampires are trying to take one of the Elders Scrolls(if you dont know what is it then you dont need to read this)

to block the light of the sun(to survive of course), but there are an other clan called the Dawnguard,

(vampires hunters) that is trying to stop the clan of vampires.And is there you enter, you

need to choose what clan you want to go, the Ultimate Vampires or the Dawnguard.


IF, you dont understand my explain then do this: :wallbash:

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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All the speculation is annoying more than anything else. I'm only interested in concrete facts, and frankly I can wait until it comes out. I still haven't even found everything in the stock game. And you know what always puzzles me? I see so many people complaining they're bored and ready for the DLC. If they're not interested in squeezing out every little thing skyrim has to offer, then why do they think the DLC is gonna keep them occupied very long?


Anyways... OP, you asked about 1:06. Could be anywhere. All it is is a generic mountain background with a frozen lake. The sun and vague vegetation makes me think of the road west of windhelm, but that doesn't mean anything.


You also mentioned Falmer. There is a falmer at :54, but again... doesn't mean much.


I find it interesting that everything points to these being a type of vampire, but every TES game prior to this has deliberately gone away from traditional vampire lore with bats and wings and all that stuff. Are we sure it's not a new type of demon or something?


Again, speculation is pretty much worthless.



Lastly, just my 2 cents. I've barely started Oblivion (started it after Skyrim and I'm not done with Skyrim) and I've been limited due to acquiring vampirism very early and not knowing my way around has made it difficult to get the cure, and apparently the sun can kill me now. I'm playing on XBox 360, so I don't even know if the cure will work or it will glitch out.


The point I'm getting to, is without prior knowledge of how these DLC's have gone in the past....I've still got a lot of map to explore in Skyrim, but it'll be really annoying if they just suddenly stick these guys out in the middle of the northern ocean where I've explored 100 times and there's nothing out there. I hope they link it to the Morrowind border by Refugee's Rest. At least that makes sense instead of just plopping a castle down that didn't used to be there.

Edited by Stemin
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Stemin, you could be right about that. The road past Refugee's Rest leads to Blacklight, and I would guess this part of Morrowind is very similar to the northern coast of Skyrim. This seems like a good place for vampires to set up shop after everyone fled the eruption of Red Mountain. It's also near Solstheim, which ties the area into the background of the Snow Prince and the expected Falmer involvement in the story.


If that's the case, then I would be willing to bet that the Dawnguard castle is going to be down the road southeast of Riften, either in Morrowind or very close to it. We could get a big chunk of that upper left branch of the "U" around Vvardenfell, which looks like it might expand the map by around 10% at a rough guess. Maybe someone familiar with TES DLC could tell us if that matches Bethesda's usual practice.


Sure, it's all speculation, but it seems pretty well founded. Besides, speculation is just plain fun! :)

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This may be nothing, but this is from the wikia:

In 4E 98, the year that would become known as one of the two years that were part of the period known as the Void Nights, the twin moons of Nirn, Masser and Secunda, disappeared from the sky, throwing Elsweyr into chaos. Using previously unknown Dawn Magicks, the Thalmor restored the twin moons to the sky, gaining the favor of the Khajiit whose entire civilization depended on the interpreting the waxing and waning of the moons.


"dawn magicks" and the "dawnguard" could be related. Also the moons dissapearing could relate to the sun dissapearing. Maybe Bethesda are leading up to a Thalmor DLC, perhaps in which you get the opportunity to uncover evidence that the return of the moons wasn't the Thalmor's doing, thus weakening their alliance with Elsweyr and paving the way for a war against the Aldmeri Dominion? Of course maybe I'm just chatting rubbish =]


I find it interesting that everything points to these being a type of vampire, but every TES game prior to this has deliberately gone away from traditional vampire lore with bats and wings and all that stuff. Are we sure it's not a new type of demon or something?


In all fairness, the DLCs are usually better crafted stories than the usual bog standard quests. Anyway, regards the vampire issue; The TES vampires are many and varied. Only the Cyrodiilic vampires are completely able to blend in with society. Read Immortal Blood for more details. I can't remember where I heard it but I remember something about Skyrim's resident vamps not being able to fit in with normal society at all due to their bestial nature. I imagine this would mean that the vampires we've encountered so far are cyrodiilic, like in Oblivion. Dawnguard will hopefully introduce us to the ice-dwelling Volkihar breed. And I reckon they'll be in a new world space or below ground in ice caves. Can't see Beth adding in random buildings without an explanation.

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In all fairness, the DLCs are usually better crafted stories than the usual bog standard quests. Anyway, regards the vampire issue; The TES vampires are many and varied. Only the Cyrodiilic vampires are completely able to blend in with society. Read Immortal Blood for more details. I can't remember where I heard it but I remember something about Skyrim's resident vamps not being able to fit in with normal society at all due to their bestial nature. I imagine this would mean that the vampires we've encountered so far are cyrodiilic, like in Oblivion. Dawnguard will hopefully introduce us to the ice-dwelling Volkihar breed. And I reckon they'll be in a new world space or below ground in ice caves. Can't see Beth adding in random buildings without an explanation.


Those vampires you're talking about in immortal blood are indeed the Volkihar, but unfortunately these are already in game, and they look no different that a normal human NPC.





There's no mention of their appearance in immortal blood that I see, but they do already exist in game.


I already looked it up earlier in this thread and there's really no KNOWN vampire tribe that has any problems blending in with human kind: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Vampire


I've seen several posts on different websites saying that gameinformer is reporting the following:


"Heres the Dawnguard info i got from gameinformer:



•"Story of dawnguard involves the return of a vampire lord named Harkon,who seeks to put stop to his greatest enemy: The sun."

•You choose sides:fight alongside the dawnguard(vamp hunters) or join harkon,"a lot of unique content depending on which side you choose"

•Two new homes,one for each side of the conflict.

•If you choose to side with harkon you can become a 'Vampire Lord',grants you new powers,players can exit vampire lord form at will.

•Vampire lords & werewolves now have their own perk tree.

•Legendary dragons are new high level beasts,Gargoyles,death hounds and armored trolls.


•Crossbows being added

•Some quests will take you into the oblivion realm,specifically 'the soul cairn' the realm of trapped souls

•you can change your face/gender via a character in riften's ratway.

•New shouts like 'soul tear',where you steal the soul of a dead enemy and use it as a minion. "



I pulled the above information off a random google search, but I originally saw it on gamefaqs. It's notable to me that a quick search on gameinformers web site turned up nothing.

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That book´´immortal blood`` is so cool, i read do some time and talk about Movarth Piquine is it not?He hunt several vampires clans,

i already see one Volkihar Vampire on my travels, between Morthal and Winterhold. He is quite strong.

And you guys see Movarth Piquine in his lair close to Morthal? Did you believe that he was there??? INCREDIBLE!!! :dance:

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How i already said in one Dawnguard discussing, its simple, you just need to have one save with the Dawnguard and another

save with the vampires.

Of course my main save will be with the Dawnguard, because you sacrifice everything to stop Alduin`s Rage, and now

you will destroy everything you sacrifice to save Tamriel because of this stupid ´´Vampire Lords``?

Forget what i said, Vampires are awesome!!!

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