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FO3 still crashes.....


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hi guys, i need your help...

this might be a little complicated because 1. i'm german, my english is okay but not perfect and 2. i already tried a lot to fix the crash.


1. what crash? well i have a german computer, after 2-3 hours of playing the screen gets black and a note says "fallout 3 doesn't work anymore." i don't know if u know that crash but it's always the same crash.


2. what i have: the austrian goty, it's patched with the austrian patch (game says, win7 64 bit, radeon hd 6870, quad core 2.4 ghz, 4 gb ram. i have a lot of mods installed, mostly little stuff like new houses, also nmcs textures, apocalypse armory, CALIBR, weapon mod kits, dcinteriors and some more.


3. what i did already: i cannot remember exactley cause everytime someone said something in a forum or so, i did it... like the bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=2-thing, turning off the auto-saves and i tell the game to run under win xp sp 3. like i said i did a lot and it still crashes.


i REALLY wanna play the game, you might say at least u can play 2-3 hours before it crashes but it's annoying to play and wait 4 the next crash.


do u guys have any ideas or tips why i still get the same crash?




edit: because i did a lot of things but i cannot describe in english, it might help if u first ask if i did certain things before giving advice i guess, thx. :)

Edited by Frank0815
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"fallout 3 doesn't work anymore." i don't know if u know that crash but it's always the same crash.


radeon hd 6870


Everybody gets that same message when Fallout 3 crashes, so its not just you, so no worries there.



Have you tried uninstalling the Catalyst Control Center? I've heard reports that uninstalling ATi's Catalyst Control Center sometimes helps with the CTDs (crash to desktop) with Radeon video cards. I have never tested this, since I use NVIDIA cards.






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