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Help - Scaling a Perk


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I am working on a Class Mod, and currently working on creating a perk that scales with your "class level".

I know how to scale a perk based on an actor value, but I am hoping to accomplish this with a global variable.


For example - There is a global variable that keeps track of your class level (say if you choose to be a Warrior, you start as a level 1 warrior, and can eventually advance up to a level 5 warrior).


A perk that will be added once you select warrior, is to learn combat skills 3% faster (Level 1 Warrior learns Combat Skills 3% faster). As you advance in your warrior class level, I want this to increase (Level 2 Warrior learns combat skills 6% faster, etc... up to Level 5 Warrior learns combat skills 15% faster).


Short of adding 5 perks, one for each level, and removing the previous perk and adding the next, is there a way to actually make this scale?

My first attempt was making one perk that increased by 3%, then letting them stack via the spell (condition of level 5 warrior would add the perk 5 times), however this created 5 entries in the Active Effects menu which I want to avoid.


Just curious if there is another solution.

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Hey DrPharmDawg


My first thought is to make the 5 perks (Warrior 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but make each one conditional. Level 1 is only active if you don't have level 2 or above, Level 2 is only active if you don't have level 3 or above, etc. that way only the one active effect should show in your menu.

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