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Skinny Dipping!


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I'd like a mod where the player and any followers auto unequip armor on entry to oceans, rivers, and lakes and re-equip on exit. Not streams or ponds.

I find swimming around in heavy armor breaks immersion. There was an Oldrim mod that did this, but I don't know how to convert, and the instructions I read confused me. Don't need textures, just simple unequip and re-equip if water is higher than the waist or if completely submerged. Thanks!

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something like this? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16301

this only seems to work on your character though

I found this for LE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83347/?tab=description

but it wasn't ported over , nor do we have permissions to post a port of this mod . so you'll need to try and convert it yourself , which I'm pretty sure isn't going to be so easy.......

couldn't find any other mod for SE , but there may be ones I don't know of

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