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Red Triangle Skyrim Glitch


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if those red triangles have a white exclamation mark inside them , what you are seeing is a simple case of missing meshes

so it happened due to either you not installing a mod properly , or the mod not being packaged properly (if the files are set in the wrong paths , so that the game can't find them)

it's a very well known issue , though it is less obvious in Skyrim (in Oblivion it was a yellow star that said missing meshes , so there was no confusion)


as for your report , I think it would have been more useful to write it in the comments of the mod in question

though I honestly doubt the mod itself is corrupt (I've used it many times , and I don't recall ever having issues)

also , posting something like this doesn't actually allows the mod author to reply (if they aren't aware of the thread , which is very likely) , which won't allow them to defend themselves , and this could be taken as a form of defamation

so I would request that in the future you approach such situations through the proper channels (as in either report this as a comment or bug report on the mod in question , or try approaching the mod author directly via a PM)



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