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Problems with SKSE


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Not sure if anyone else is having (or has had) trouble installing the skse file onto the game, but I am though. When I try to extract the file with the 7zip program it just comes out as one file instead of a collection of files in a folder. Am I doing something wrong? Idk.

If someone has advice as to how to troubleshoot or fix this conundrum I would most appreciate it. I'm still able to play the game without it, but I'm looking to enhance the experience further.

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@Gadaric21, hi, be sure you download SKSE from here: http://skse.silverlock.org

(latest as of today: http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_04_15.7z)

when you open that archive with 7zip you should see a single FOLDER (not file) entitled 'skse_1_04_15' to extract.

after you extract that folder, inside are 6 SKSE files and a SRC folder.

if 7zip is giving you trouble try WinRAR.

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Yeah, I tried that with the 7 zip and got the file from that site and tried that exact procedure, but when I right click the folder it doesn't show the extract option. Maybe I just need to try the WinRAR like you said, idk.
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@Gadaric21, hi, just to be clear lol,

open explorer, find and right click 'skse_1_04_15.7z', select '7-zip', 'open archive', in 7-zip highlight the 'skse_1_04_15' folder,

select the 'Extract ' button, click 'ok' to confirm the location where you want the folder copied to.


or launch 7-Zip File Manager, navigate to where you saved file 'skse_1_04_15.7z' and open it, in 7-zip highlight the 'skse_1_04_15' folder,

select the 'Extract ' button, click 'ok' to confirm the location where you want the folder copied to. (same as above).


yeah, 7-zip for some weird reason can be a tad confusing to use i guess.

fyi, an occassional issue with WinRAR is sometimes you'll get a 7zip archive version that is not supported by winrar's extraction coding.

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@gurgelstock, hi, just wondering, i haven't spotted a 'scripts' folder in latest version of 'skse_1_04_15' from http://skse.silverlock.org/

Current release build (1.4.15, compatible with runtime on 26 March 2012): http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_04_15.7z

The "src" folder is only useful for programmers, most users can ignore it.

Where are you downloading SKSE that includes a 'scripts' folder that overrides vanilla script files? thanks. :turned:

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If you have 7-zip installed to work with all types of compressed folders (7z, zip, rar) then just double clicking on the zipped folder should open it to see what is inside - without extracting. You can copy the files directly from that into the Skyrim folder (NOT the skyrim\data folder) They will be extracted as they are copied. :thumbsup:


1. Create a special folder just to hold the SKSE versions, it doesn't matter where you create it. This is where you will download each version when it is released to keep them all together.

2. Download the latest SKSE into that folder

3. Open the skse folder, and open the Skyrim folder (make sure it's the folder with Skyrim.exe and NOT the data folder)

4. In the SKSE folder, click (or double click)on the latest version, it should open to reveal a single folder

5. Double Click on that folder, it should open to show the files in it without extracting them.

6. Select the files you want, you don't need the src folder or any of the txt files (it is a good idea to read the text files though) copy (DO NOT MOVE) the files you do need directly into the Skyrim folder - (Any .dll or .exe files) allow it to overwrite any older versions that are already there.

Done. :happy:

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