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Installing Mods


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Hey guys! I finally finished up my downloading of mods. Now I just have to install them... along with BOSS, Skse, and NMM.


Will BOSS see any conflicts I have with mods? Cause I'm pretty sure I'll have conflicts here.. this is my list:



Abodes - Player Homes:

Deus Mons

Dragon Falls Manor

Necessary Map Markers

Portable Campsite

Unlimited Bookshelves


Animals, Creatures, Mounts & Horses:

83Willows 101BugsHD Butterfly Dragonfly Luna-Moth Torchbug

Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack

Better Horses

Dragons Diversified

Enhanced Horse Skins

Improved Dragon Textures

Monster Retex Pack

Real Wildlife - Skyrim

Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes

Skyrim Monster Mod

SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators

StarX Detailed Monsters




3rd Person magic casting animation replacer - not crouching

Bowlegged jump animation Fix

Dual Wield Blocking Animations

Feminine Running and New Dash Animation

new female 2-hand sword and bow animations

Running with your Bow Replacer

Sit animation

The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod for Update 1-5



AEterna Circlets

Black Tower and Black Sacrament Armor pack

Hedge Knight Armor

Lore Friendly Armor Pack

Rangers Cape

Redguard Knight Armor

Vagabond Armor

Vanguard Armor

Warchief Armor


Audio, Sounds and Music:

FSS - Better Bards

FSS - No pause between lines

Immersive Skyrim Thunder V5

Improved Combat Sounds

Smooth blade draw and Sheathe

Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons

Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds

The Sounds of Nature - Fire

The Sounds of Nature - Water


Bug Fixes:

HD Textures DLC Fix

Smithing Perks Overhaul

Weapons and Armor Fixes

Well Placed Weapons and Quivers 1-1


Cities, Towns, Villages and Hamlets:

Real Lights - Cities

Sexy Boats v1

Sexy Riften v2

Sexy Solitude v1

Sexy Villages and Towns

Sexy Whiterun v3

Sexy Windhelm v2

Sexy Winterhold College

Visible Windows



Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Better fitting gloves

Cloaks of Skyrim

FavoredSouls Evening Star

Fiona Armor for CBBE v3 - NKT

Fur Hoods HD

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res


Nocturnal Dress for Calientes Body Mod -CBBE-

The Art of Magicka

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks



WARZONES - Civil Unrest

AKM - Advanced KillMoves

Faster Arrows

Dual Wield Parrying

Deadly Combat

Fighting Styles of Tamriel


Companions - Other:

Better Followers

Followers can Relax

Housecarls more feminine stance

TCG - Tradable companion gear

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul


Dungeons - New:

Wheezes Dungeon Pack 1


Dungeons - Vanilla:

Dungeon Quest Awareness



Lush Grass

Realistic Lighting With Customization

Skyrim Performance PLUS

WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux


Gameplay Effects and Changes:

Alchemists Have Ingredients

Arrows Tweaks

Better archery Eagle Eye perk

Cooking Expanded

Horse Fast Dismount

Improved Destruction Magic

Increased Carry Weight from Stamina

Lightweight Potions and Poisons

Lost Art of the Blacksmith

Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers


Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers

Sweeping Weapons

Total Realism - Basic Needs

Unlimited Rings



Thieves Guild - No Auto Quest Start


Hair and Face Models:


Bright Eyes v1-3

envision Face

Extended Slider Colors

Hair Pack

Kawaii Face Presets

My Type Face

My Type of Hair

numenume Hair

Pretty Lips

RANs HeadMesh Variants

Straight hair retexture

Telthalions Red Hair

The Eyes Of Beauty

univision Face



Height Adjusted Races with True Giants

Better Quest Objectives

Skyrim Live

More Village Animals

Horses Gone Wild

Bring Out Your Dead

Immersive Patrols

Better Swimming


Realistic Crime Radius

SIM - Skyrim npc Immersion Mod

Expanded Carriage Service

Sleeping and Fast Travel Dangers - Sands of Time

SM Drop Lit Torches

Companion Hotkey


Items and Objects - Player:

Better Skill and Quest Books Names

Cooking Recipes Pack

Mystic Gloves

Ring and Spell of Life Sensing

Shiny Rings Amulets Circlets

Wearable Lanterns

Yuril Rings HQ


Items and Objects - World:

2K High Resolution Map

Arcane Enchanter - Blurry Fix

Books Books Books

Falmer Clutter Texture Mod

HD Baskets Retex

HD High Resolution Books

HD Misc

HD Sacks Retexture

HD Urns Retex

High Definition HAY

High Quality Food and Ingredients

Long Lost Smelters of Skyrim

Psychosteves Golden Gods Shrines

Realistic Instruments - Flute Lute and Drum HQ

S-D-H-D-O-K-T-A-L Clutter Textures

Skyrim Coin Replacer

Super Realistic Ore Textures

Target re-texture


Landscape Changes:

HiRes Legible Road Signs

Better Landscape Skyrim

High Res Wood and Stonework

Ice of Skyrim

Rugged Rocks

Merryfair Bridge


Locations - Vanilla:

Unmarked Places - Shrines

Unmarked Places - Dragon Mounds


Magic - Alchemy, potions, poisons and ingreds:

Auto Potion

Babettes Feast - Improved Cooking

Combine Potions

Ingredients of Tamriel

Ultimate Potions and Poisons


Magic - Gameplay:

Balanced Magic

Spells Will Give Off Light

Spell Sneak Attacks

True Dragonblood - Shout cooldown adjustments

Better Bound Weapons

Acquisitive Soul Gems

Projectile Soul Trap with Visible Impact Effect


Magic - Spells & enchantments:

Deadly Spell Impacts



Guards guard the player from thugs

More Craftables

Vals Crafting Meltdown Alpha - Melting Smelting

Better Sorting

Craftable Arrows

Craftable Lockpicks

Burnt Corpses Now with burnt animals

Mining Extended


Models and textures:

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures

Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-

Bodyslide - 15 extra sliders for CBBE

CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod

Enhanced Night Skyrim

No More Blocky Faces

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Serious HD Retexture Skyrim

Detailed Faces v2

XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement

Millenia Weapon Retexture Project - WRP

HighRes 4K CBBE Nude Female Re-Texture Mod

HD Furniture and barrels final __ hi-res texture replacer

AOF Believable Hair -Female and Male-


Armor Improvement

Skyrim Realistic Overhaul

CBBE skin texture V2 V3 plus Thepal and UNP compatible

Natural Eyes



Horses for Followers



Crafting Complete

Deadly Dragons


Skills and Leveling:

Legendary Smithing Upgrades



Binocular Vision For NPCs while Sneaking

Path of Shadows

Archery Sneak Attack Perks


User interfaces:


A Quality World Map - With Roads

Categorized Favorites Menu

QD Inventory

Colored Map Markers

KenMOD - Item icons

No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu


Visuals and Graphics:

Enhanced Blood Textures

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM

Glowing Ore Veins 300

FXAA Post Process Injector

Superb ENB-RL

Realistic Smoke and Embers



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Don't bump, its not allowed here. if a mod catches you doing it they will lock the thread.


The issue is nobody will really know if that mod list you have will cause a problem since everyone's list is different. Boss though I loath anything that does it for me for load order and installing is a good program if it knows what the mods are, If it doesn't know it can cause issues and it cannot tell you when you have 1 too many mods going. From the size of your list I believe you will have some issues like CTD and conflicts.


Best advice is install and run each mod 1 at a time to check for issues. start with the biggest mods that change many things and are most important for what you want then move down to the smallest mods that you can live without. worst advice is install all of them, run Boss then try to play.

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