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My horse doesnt like me!


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I installed and uninstalled mods which added horse armour to the game and one which allowed companion riding. However since using them whenever i dismount my horse it runs away somewhere, my horse is never rested at a stable and just spawns on fast travel and im not even sure if its my horse or a randomly generated one..


Any advice or similar situations? :(

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You didn't actually state which Horse Mods you use/have used.


I have http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10579 Better Horses installed and it is awesome! I can call my horse from anywhere, repeat, ANYWHERE in Skyrim. And my companions horse will follow. This has worked for hundreds of hours now under all conditions. I have been tempted to try some others out there but don't want to give up what works.



p.s. Mod has other features too.

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@GoodfellowGoodspring, hi, as i'm sure you probably know,

in an unmodded vanilla game the horse behavior you've described after dismounting is due to:


- Horse is not your active horse (only one allowed) or you switched from your active horse to another.

- Horse owned by a dead hunter/bandit or was stabled at a captured fort.

- Horse is stolen or you didn't buy the horse from a stable.

- Horse is hostile and running off to attack something nearby.

- Horse wanders off because you're near an imperial/stormcloak camp (known glitch).

- You mixed up your horse with another horse of the same color (lol).

- Using fast travel glitched and the game didn't spawn the correct horse that you own (check if the horse has your name or just 'Horse').


Anyway, not getting into whatever horse mods you've installed, a few known fixes that i know of are:


- Use console targeted command setownership (sets the player as the owner of the targeted item).

- Dismount, allow the horse to go back to its scripted return point, hopefully a stable; then, remounting sometimes resets to correct behavior.

(will not work for Shadowmere or Frost).

- Acquire a new horse and hope the wandering off behavior doesn't happen.

- Get Shadowmere or maybe Frost, they are not scripted to wander and should stay put.


Your horse likes you, just doesn't like the new armor lol. Seriously though, probably best if you browse the modders comments sections and see

if any other users are experiencing the same issues you're having.

Edited by xlcr
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