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CTD sovngarde-killing alduin


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So, llike the tittle says im having ctd during last main quest, what happen is that when i and the others 3 heroes need to use clear skyes to clear the mist, so fater the first time shouting... bum crash no errors, nothing, (i solved this unchecking all plugins & doing the quest after i've done i saved and reloaded all the mods) - (before this i've tryed using setstage mq305 200 to skyp the battle, ok all right but after that tsun gives me the shout but my hcaracter freezes, and nothing happen, and if i use coc whiterun, after 10 seconds the game crashes)



the custom race plguin is a race created by me for personal use, and it dont have any issues with any mod.....


Hope someone know what or wich mod is giving me the issue.


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