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Remove enchantment limitation?


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I dont know how to do what you ask. However, there is one mod which might help you to make enchantments like that in game.




this mod/bat file will make your enchanting lvl anything you want it to be 100 or 10 000 or more.

it basically create an amulet in your inventory with a powerful enchantment to raise your enchanting level. when you take it off your back to your original level without this powerful boost.


if you do decide to use a weapon with +1000 fire damage enchantment I will also recommend you to use this mod:




with such a high enchantment damage you will end up with such a higher cost per use that you wount be able to use the enchantment on the weapon as you dont have enough charges even with a weapon full of charges.

this everlasting weapon enchantments set the cost of vanilla skyrim to 0, so with this mod you will be able to use the weapon with this extremely powerful enchantment on.

Edited by Wolves425
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