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Crashing on RaceMenu


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I'm sort of new to modding (heavy modding in any case), and I've run into a problem that I'm unsure how to fix.
At first I thought it was just an issue with NPC bodies littering the game causing stuttering and crash, but now I think it may be a texture from CBBE as when starting a new character in RaceMenu. I say this because when I switch the gender option female, the game crashes to desktop without any other given warnings (besides a split second screen freeze). Obviously, this would indicate that the female bitmap or textures or some such is the cause of the crash right? But since I'm pretty new to modding, I am unsure how to proceed beyond reinstalling, re-downloading, uninstalling from active profiles mods associated with female/ CBBE models.
Additionally, and I'm not sure if anyone can even help me here, but I've struggled to get an ENB working as the d3da11.dll is also causing hard crashes. I stopped trying to get the ENB working ages ago, and the game has been fine ...well up until this new error anyway. Is there a simple fix to this?
(I would upload my LOOT debuglog, but it's to large and cannot be uploaded as a 7zip)
Any help would be appreciated,

System details:
Windows 10
Intel Core i5-4430 CPU @3.00GHz, 3001 Mhz, 4 Cores
GeForce GTX 760
Skyrim is also installed on my Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD
Edited by Sashpot
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Is their a way to have KS Hairdos, but have reduced risk of game just CTD?

Nope not realy even with the engine fix apachi hair mod cuse ctd.

Basicly the mod creator dosent have a clue how to fix this issues. And the problem is still exist in nowdays too. even with all of its versions. honestly id ont know why. in legendary edition with racemenu killer mod it works but for special edition it dosent.

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