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In search of a warriors tomb...

Le Santyr

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who are you? it just looks like your here to give people a hard time, youve got a real problems, i dont know why you bother coming to a forum, your rude and unfriendly, and if you said those things to my face id punch you on the nose.
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...I thought your elephant friend did all the fighting for you...


No, really... You have to appreciate the level of intelligence and maturity necessary to have someone point out everything wrong with something you've just said and be entirely correct, then say "OMG LIEK YUR MEAN!!!!!111!!!!!11! WTF OLOLOLOLOOLOL" as a pathetic attempt at a refutation. You can't believe how strong the urge is to simply say that your post doesn't deserve a proper response, but for some reason I feel like making it clear to you exactly what my function is:


1) I am Marxist ßastard and this isn't the place to greet each other. If you want to do that, start a thread in the proper forum and endure the ironically spammy repetitive saying of "Welcome to the forums. Have fun and don't spam." that will be handed out to you.


2) I help people on these forums, but only if they first help themselves by being detailed and adhering to the basic rules of these forums. Something resembling the word "male without a father" is in my nick -- ergo, you should not expect me to wipe your ass for you by politely suggesting that you read a thread before posting in it and attempt to comprehend your broken English.


3) Punch me "on the nose?" Your puny girl fist can do no such damage to my person.

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your plain arrogant and a waste of time, i dont think you should be here, you have got a real attitude problem, you shouldnt go around telling everyone you think they are stupid and pathetic, who do you thnk you are, you like to think your superior and call others silly and childish, you should listen to yourself, your a total *censored*er.
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MB whilst you are correct in what you say we have been requested to jump up and down hard on forum vigilantes. It is also against the rules and makes your post a tad hypocritical IMO.


LT MB's comments, whether or not he should be making them, are nevertheless right. The question was answered correctly and there was nothing to be added.


AAGH! Perhaps this will make those who question the locking policy think again.


And I am locking it. If anyone has issues PM me!

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