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Giving Moded Armor to Follower in SCK


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Fairly new to the SCK, been trying to make my own custom follower, named Rorych the Fang, and I've been having trouble getting around the most recent catastrophic failure, which is that I can't get the Warchief Armor to stick in his inventory.


When I go to make the mod, I load skyrim, update, and warchief, with no active mod. When I save, I save as TheFang.esp.


Basically, I give him some random outfit, usually college robes, so that he doesn't spawn naked, but in his inventory I give him skyforge greatsword, and then the four piece of the Warchief armor I want.


When I load it all up however, Rorych is there, wearing his college robes, toting his skyforge greatsword, and eager to follow me, but he doesn't have the warchief armor. Obviously I'm loading both Warchief and TheFang.esp when I start the game.


Also, if I restart SCK and then go to edit the Rorych actor, none of the warchief armor that I added to his inventory is there. IT JUST DOESN'T STICK!


This was just a test mod I was making for myself, pretty much bare bones, but I haven't found any tutorials speaking specifically about adding moded equipment to a new follower in the SCK.


I really appreciate any help,


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This happens because 2 esps can't have references between eachother.


An esp can only have links with an esm.


So you can do 2 things:


- copy all the warchief esp data on the follower esp, then work with the copied stuff (you just have to open each object and add a "1" in the ID, then click yes when asked. This will create a new form in your esp wich is = to the other one)


- you can esmify the warchief esp and redo th stuff you did.


Remember that if copying you have to copy ArmorAddon too, and maybe TextureSet if present


EDIT: Or, since i think you don't want to release the mod (so it's for your own use), you can just create your follower in the warchief esp and redo what you did.

Edited by gasti89
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Thanks for the quick reply.


I'll try copying the items and then using the duplicates.


If that doesn't work, I'll try esmifying the Warchief mod, although I'll have to look up how to do that.


I actually tried making the follower in the warchief esp, but there was a problem in which the follow me dialogue option wasn't appearing. Not sure if you know anything about that.


Thanks again for the timely reply,


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