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CTD in the main menu: riddle me this!


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200 mods, SE, Vortex installation, Wrye bashed patch, SSedit sorted masters, LOOT order, only one Skyproc patch (ASIS). The game works flawlessly.


Literally suddenly, after several days of playing, the game crashes when the options in the main menu appear. *No changes* done whatsoever (e.g. load order).

Same thing happened when the April update was rolled by Bethesda (I was still on NMM then), so I blamed that and after days of trying solutions, abandoned it.


Until this week, I started the game again, it just worked, on its own. Regardless, I did a clean install, everything in order, and then it happened again, out of the blue.

I'll attach my load order (even though I don't know what mod would cause issues only after several days), while my ini files were not modified other than what Bethini did. No papyrus logs because the game does not load a save (if it did, it would work).


I've also tried renaming the meshes folder, to no avail.


If you have encountered such a problem, *please help*.

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