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How do I merge ESP and the proper BSA all into one?


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Hi :)

I've got some problems with my mod, The College People.


I have 16 ESP and for each ESP one BSA, so 16 ESP and BSA.

Now I want to do an all-in-one version, to have just 1 ESP and the proper BSA.

But how do I do that?

I know how to merge the ESP, and how to merge the BSA.^^ But how do I make them work together?

I'm very confused.

If anyone could help me, I would very appreciate that.

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Hello again ;)

You can merge esp's using TESVSnip.

  • Open all esp's in TESVSnip. You can select multiple esp's by Ctrl+Selecting them in the Open window.
  • Select and drag the GRUP lists from one esp and drag them into another: http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/351/capturezqt.png
  • Delete (from the TESVSnip window!) the esp you took the GRUP lists from.
  • Repeat for the other 14 esp files.
  • When you've saved the amalgamated esp file, open it in the Creation Kit.
  • A message will appear warning you about file header mismatch. Click Yes to allow the CK to correct the error.

I'm not sure about how to merge bsa files though...


EDIT: Oops, misread your post. Seems you already know how to do this!

Edited by Mayfly53
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Ok I think I'm just the most stupid person ever :wallbash:

Merging the ESP was absolutely no problem.

BUT I don't manage to merge the BSA...

I've tried with Fallout Mod Manager/ BSA Creator, but what exactly am I supposed to do??

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One way to do this would be the following, using FO3 Archive Utility:



- Create a new data folder anywhere on your HD.


- Extract all of your .bsa files into that folder, one by one.


- From this folder create a new .bsa archive, matching the name of your .esp.



edit: to test it move the bsa to your 'real' data folder and remove the other ones.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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After extracting the files from the BSAs, I made a folder with the meshes/textures folders in it.

Then I opened FO Utility and made a new BSA. I am asked to select the source now so I chose the Data Folder.

And then I get this error...

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Yeah, I tested it with some meshes and textures, it seems textures and meshes can't be archived into one bsa, at least not with FO3 Archiver.

I didn't knew this either, for my mod I only had to package some scripts. Did you also try it with the CK Archive.exe?

If that also doesn't work you could try BSAopt (only for Windows Vista/7).



This Tutorial may be helpful.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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It seems, it does work somehow, but I've tried so many times in different versions...

Pack the meshes/textures all in one BSA/pack the 16 BSAs into one... :verymad:

And name the BSA exactly like the ESP....


In-Game (always new game) I open the console and type "help Nirya" (for example).. and THEN I get 2 versions of her..

1. The normal vanilla version but with head/body color mismatch

2. The ID of my modded one, something like 3901C19B


Placing #1 next to me (player.placeatme) is no problem.

Placing #2 next to me ---> immediate CTD..I can't even see her before :wallbash:


I've tried

Fallout Mod Manager (BSA Creator)

Fallout 3 Archieve Utility

The CK Archieve.exe

BSAopt (win 7)

I am despairing.. :yucky:


But many thanks that you've helped me so far :)

Edited by Shad0wThirteen
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