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Battle horn castle


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BAttlehorn castle - a mod. Ive got it (have them all). Now, the fight. Get in the front yard, and fight off marauders. Go to the IC. I forget the store, but buy some upgrades. Then, you have a base of operations, and an army. But, it sucks cuz you can only have 1 soldier follow you at once. Reply and kudo.
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Yeah the secrets are cool, but the battle is pathetic... I didn't even get to kill anyone when I got there first time, a bandit attacks me and gets an arow in his back.


So lame...

True. But, saves YOUR SKIN once you get there. I was level 6, and they were stupid. Now, :thanks:

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Now, once the whole castle is full of furniture, make some plans. General______Your name here. To the right of the castle, is a narrow pass. WHo saw 300? Then you know. Hold it. Conquer camps with your soldiers. Or, 1 soldier.
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Now, plan carefully. If you need help ask me. Im a pro. I beat the main quest to both games. (SHEOGORATH AND OBLIVION). Plan by taking a sticky note or something, and make out a plan. Sketch it off carefully. Camp by camp. Take over mines, leave a soldier there, from the NINE DIVINES, atronach, or battlehorn. Then, come back monthly for a load of cash. () ()


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Now, plan carefully. If you need help ask me. Im a pro. I beat the main quest to both games. (SHEOGORATH AND OBLIVION). Plan by taking a sticky note or something, and make out a plan. Sketch it off carefully. Camp by camp. Take over mines, leave a soldier there, from the NINE DIVINES, atronach, or battlehorn. Then, come back monthly for a load of cash. () ()



nice idea..

i would like to see this in vanilla,

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Now, plan carefully. If you need help ask me. Im a pro. I beat the main quest to both games. (SHEOGORATH AND OBLIVION). Plan by taking a sticky note or something, and make out a plan. Sketch it off carefully. Camp by camp. Take over mines, leave a soldier there, from the NINE DIVINES, atronach, or battlehorn. Then, come back monthly for a load of cash. () ()



nice idea..

i would like to see this in vanilla,

See what? The plans? Oh yeah, I also have a youtube account. Just to show it, its www.youtube.com/RomanWarriorGuy

thanks again. And, there is also a dock, that you can take over, and use for trade. Dump items to hide them too.

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Now, first, thanks for putting this in the spoilers section. Okay, after you get your monthly 1200 gold worth of nuggets, and some silver, take over more camps. Spread your influence all over Tamriel. Try to conquer the world. Take over abandoned Imperial Forts.
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Now, get more soldiers, followers, and so on. Then, build up fortifications. People, mainly bandits are angry. They attack your Imperial Legion Fort. Hold your ground. Oh, and sleep with guards around you. I was killed once when I woke up by an angry enemy assasin.
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