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How fun is archery?


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Not sure if this has been said already, but the easiest and coolest way to become an archer is mixing conjuration and Archery IMO. It revolves around the Bound Bow spell and you get bonuses from both the conjuration tree and all your archery perks. The bound bow is the equivalent of an Daedre bow I believe and it complete owns. Plus if you are tired of targets doing the dodge dance, just conjure up something evil and watch it wreak havoc. I wear light armor with some magicka regen enchants on it and it's a blast.

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  • 4 months later...

To wake this tread up from its slumber with a question. Why does your bow (and a very nice bow it is too) auto select the crappest arrows? Now I don't shoot often but sometimes some ugly falmer git needs knocking off his perch. now when I was in Skuldafn I aquired many lovely daedric arrows, which I carry around in case of need. The need arises I grab the bow and I'm shooting rubish rusty iron arrows with harldy any damage and there goes MY ELEMENT OF SURPRISE!


This is very very annoying of course I could use one of my extremely limited hotkeys to keep the best arrows handy. . . so what should I give up the Dragon Aspect or a summon? Annoying and one of the reasons I don't do much with the bow.


Plus from a purely imersion/credability aspect a rusty iron arrow that has made it through my (character level 50 or thereabouts) armor is, I suggest not going to be fit fo much afterwards. really! No mods for this issue, hardly any refferences on the internet. Seems it's only me this bothers, however any advice would be welcomed.

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set your prefered weapon as favorite (sword, or whatever you use)

set both the bows and the arrows under favorites

open your favorites menu, equip both the bow and arrows from there

close the favorites menu

open the favorites menu again and equip your normal weapon

close the menu


when you switch to bow now using the favorites (just left click on the bow it will auto pick the arrows) it should work just fine


I guess you can do the same with hotkeys, but I dont use hotkeys.

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