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navmesh advise/help


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I have created a medium sized player home. I have the infill mostly complete. It is Hearthfire compatible. I have already brought in a wife and Lucia. I have navmeshed it by hand. My followers run around inside of it freely and well. My issue is this. Lucia will not leave her room. Even though I have sweep markers starting in her room and linked into the rest of the house. Followers will not enter the house or leave once I warp them in. I checked my navmesh for errors. None were found. I have flat edges at the door both outside and inside. The teleport markers are both on the navmesh. I have checked both outside and in for errors and marked them both as complete. What have I missed or done wrong?

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If you dont see the bright green triangle basically under the teleport markers on both sides of your project, they wont be able to leave or enter. If you've done things properly, then the NM finalize will automatically generate the highlighted triangle in the required spot. If not, then you are missing something, or a placement issue etc. Hopefully, your entrance is NOT a that 3 cell boundary you mention, as those can be very finicky. I will assume it is not, but, no way to know besides asking.


I assume you used a loading door for your project? Need those, or no go as well. Both loading doors have to be linked to the cell and the exterior cell.

Edited by Mebantiza
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it is not luckily but fairly close, about 250 from a border. I do not see a green triangle under teleport marker so I must have missed something somewhere lol. Thank you. Doing a project even this generic gives an appreciation and respect to those that make massive mods. I am simply using CK resources on the building and infill as this is my first attempt. Just want to get a feel for it. Though I am now pretty addicted.

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Then I am going to assume, you have not linked your two loading doors on both sides of the equation together. Need to do that. If they were linked, finalizing the NM would change the color under that triangle to bright green.

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they are linked. I go in and out fine. I got it. The one on the inside was indeed green. The one on the outside was off a bit. I cleaned up the triangle as it was a couple of them that centered the door. I made it into a single one and it turned green as soon as I finalized. Finicky lol. Thank you for the help

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Make sure the door allows for it by making sure the Door's form does not have "Minimal Use" checked. In other words, make sure you're not using one of those doors with "MinUse" in its name or something like that.

Edited by Rasikko
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